
Savings goal

Set. Save. Go!

Trying to save for that perfect vacation1, latest gadget2 or shiny3 new car?

Remember to put some funds aside4 for retirement5 and other large expenses too – at least 10% your income, as a good rule of thumb6.

Set up one or more Savings Goals to stay on7 track and make all your dreams a reality8.

Do not worry, you can stop any time.

  1. vacation /vəˈkeɪʃn/ noun
    (North American English)(British English holiday)
    [uncountable, countable] a period of time spent travelling or relaxing away from home
    度假 ↩︎
  2. gadget /ˈɡædʒɪt/ noun
    a small tool or device that does something useful
    小器具;小装置 ↩︎
  3. shiny /ˈʃaɪni/ adjective
    smooth and bright; reflecting the light
    光亮的;锃亮的;反光的;有光泽的 ↩︎
  4. aside /əˈsaɪd/ adverb
    to be used later
    留;存 ↩︎
  5. retirement /rɪˈtaɪəmənt/ noun
    [uncountable, singular] the period of your life after you have stopped work, usually because you have reached a particular age
    退休生活 ↩︎
  6. thumb /θʌm/ noun
    a rule of thumb
    a practical method of doing or measuring something, usually based on past experience rather than on exact measurement
    实用的估算方法,经验工作法(通常依据经验而非准确测量) ↩︎
  7. stay on phrasal verb
    to continue studying, working, etc. somewhere for longer than expected or after other people have left
    留下来继续(学习、工作等) ↩︎
  8. reality /riˈæləti/ noun
    [countable] a thing that is actually experienced or seen, in contrast to what people might imagine
    make sth
    使……成为现实 ↩︎


Frequently asked questions

What is Unit Trust?
A unit trust is a fund comprised of money contributed by multiple investors, which can include members of the general public. The more money an investor puts into the fund, the more units of the fund the investor weill recive. The fund is then invested into a variety of assets to achieve a stated investment objective by a team of professionals. Unit trusts are also known as mutual funds or collective investment schemes.

What are some of the different types of Unit Trusts?
Equity Funds: These are funds that invest solely in stocks.
Fixed Income Funds: These are funds that invest soley in bonds.
Balanced Funds: These are funds that invest in a combination of stocks and bonds.
股票基金(Equity Funds):这些基金仅投资于股票。
固定收益基金(Fixed Income Funds):这些基金仅投资于债券。
平衡基金(Balanced Funds):这些基金投资于股票和债券的组合。

What are the fees and charges when I invest in Unit Trusts through OCBC Digital?
The upfront sales charge that you will be paying will be shown on OCBC Digital when you purchase a fund. A one-time sales charges is applicable for lump sum investments.
A sale charge is applicable for recurring monthly investments into the fund.
当您通过OCBC Digital投资单位信托时,会有哪些费用和收费?
当您购买基金时,您需要支付的前期销售费用会在OCBC Digital上显示。一次性销售费用适用于一次性投资。

Am I eligible to buy Unit Trusts?
To be eligible to purchase Unit Trusts, please ensure that you are:
At least 21 years old.
Not a US citizen.
Not a UK resident, EU resident of person residing within the EEA.

Can I buy a Unit Trust using my CPF or SRS money?
Yes you can, however only selected funds can be bought using CPR or SRS monies. Please ensure that your CPF or SRS account is opened or maintained with OCBC.

How long does it takes to purchase a Unit Trust?
When you buy a unit trust fund, trades are aggregated and sent to the fund house for settlement. You will only see the units allocated to you once the trades are settled. This will generally take 3-8 business days.

Will I be notified when my purchase has been successfully executed?
We will inform you through SMS and/or email once your trade is settled.

Can I sell my Unit Trust online?
Yes you can, howerver not all funds can be sold online. For funds that cannot be sold online, you may proceed to any of our branches to submit your redemption instructions.

Does OCBC charge any fees for (a) selling a Unit Trust online or (b) submitting redemption instrucctions of a Unit Trust at OCBC Branches?
No. Note however that there many be fees charged by the fund houses for sale of a Unit Trust.


Hedge1 your investement portfolio2 with Gold and Silver.

Earn cash rewards3 and lucky draw4 chances5 when you refer overseas friends to OCBC.

Find your next opportunity6 to diversify7 your investments.

Diversify with Unit Trust: Access more top fund ideas and invest in a portfolio of asset, expertly8 managed by a fund manager.

Access our investment picks9: Choose from funds and collections10 that have been carefully curated11 by our Wealth Panel12.

Invest using foreign currencies13: Gain14 access to even15 more funds in 6 different curriencies.

Project16 your dividends17: Calculate passive18 income19 from dividends you may earn20.

Make informed21 investment choices: Mitigate22 Environmental23, Social and Governance24 risks with ESG ratings.

Investments personalised to you: View our curated collections and top funds based on what you shared with us.

Security Advisory: Someone claiming25 to be from OCBC or the police may demand26 that you transfer funds to them as part of an investigation27. Do not do so.

  1. hedge /hedʒ/ verb
    [transitive, intransitive] hedge (something) (against something) (finance) to protect yourself against losing money from an investment or bet
    对冲;套头交易;套期保值 ↩︎
  2. portfolio /pɔːtˈfəʊliəʊ/ noun
    (finance) a set of shares owned by a particular person or organization
    (个人或机构的)投资组合,有价证券组合 ↩︎
  3. reward /rɪˈwɔːd/ noun
    [countable, uncountable] a thing that you are given because you have done something good, worked hard, etc.
    奖励;回报;报酬 ↩︎
  4. draw /drɔː/ verb
    [intransitive, transitive] to decide something by picking cards, tickets or numbers by chance
    抽(签、牌);抓(阄) ↩︎
  5. chance /tʃɑːns/ noun
    [countable] a suitable time or situation when you have the opportunity to do something
    机会;机遇;时机 ↩︎
  6. opportunity /ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti/ noun
    a time when a particular situation makes it possible to do or achieve something
    机会;时机 ↩︎
  7. diversify /daɪˈvɜːsɪfaɪ/ verb
    [intransitive, transitive] to change or to make something change so that there is greater variety
    (使)多样化,变化,不同 ↩︎
  8. expertly /ˈekspɜːtli/ adverb
    in a way that shows or involves great knowledge or skill ↩︎
  9. pick /pɪk/ noun
    [singular] (rather informal) an act of choosing something
    挑选;选择 ↩︎
  10. collection /kəˈlekʃn/ noun
    [countable] a group of objects, often of the same sort, that have been collected
    (常指同类的)收集物,收藏品 ↩︎
  11. curate /kjʊəˈreɪtɪd/ verb
    curate something to collect, select and present information or items such as pictures, video, music, etc. for people to use or enjoy, using your professional or expert knowledge
    精选并分享(信息、图片、视频、音乐等) ↩︎
  12. panel /ˈpænl/ noun
    [countable + singular or plural verb] a group of specialists who give their advice or opinion about something; a group of people who discuss topics of interest on television or radio
    专家咨询组;(广播、电视上的)讨论小组 ↩︎
  13. currency /ˈkʌrənsi/ noun
    [countable, uncountable] the system of money that a country uses
    通货;货币 ↩︎
  14. gain /ɡeɪn/ verb
    [transitive] to obtain or win something, especially something that you need or want
    获得;赢得;博得;取得 ↩︎
  15. even /ˈiːvn/ adverb
    used when you are comparing things, to make the comparison stronger
    (用以加强比较)甚至更,愈加,还 ↩︎
  16. project /prəˈdʒekt/ verb
    [transitive, usually passive] to estimate what the size, cost or amount of something will be in the future based on what is happening now
    预测;预计;推想 ↩︎
  17. dividend /ˈdɪvɪdend/ noun
    an amount of the profits that a company pays to people who own shares in the company
    股息;股利 ↩︎
  18. passive /ˈpæsɪv/
    accepting what happens or what people do without trying to change anything or oppose them
    消极的;被动的 ↩︎
  19. income /ˈɪnkʌm/,  /ˈɪnkəm/ noun
    the money that a person, a region, a country, etc. earns from work, from investing money, from business, etc.
    收入;收益;所得 ↩︎
  20. earn /ɜːn/ verb
    [transitive] to get money as profit or interest on money you lend, have in a bank, etc.
    生(利);获(利) ↩︎
  21. informed /ɪnˈfɔːmd/ adjective
    (of a decision or judgement) based on an understanding of the facts of a situation
    了解清楚情况后作出的 ↩︎
  22. mitigate /ˈmɪtɪɡeɪt/ verb
    mitigate something to make something less harmful, serious, etc.
    减轻;缓和 ↩︎
  23. environmental /ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentl/  adjective
    connected with the natural conditions in which people, animals and plants live; connected with the environment
    自然环境的;生态环境的;有关环境的 ↩︎
  24. governance /ˈɡʌvənəns/ noun
    the activity of governing a country or controlling a company or an organization; the way in which a country is governed or a company or institution is controlled
    统治;管理;统治方式;管理方式 ↩︎
  25. claim /kleɪm/ /ˈkleɪmɪŋ/ verb
    [transitive] to say that something is true although it has not been proved and other people may not believe it
    宣称;声称;断言 ↩︎
  26. demand /dɪˈmɑːnd/ noun
    [countable] a very strong request for something; something that somebody needs
    (坚决的)要求;所需之物 ↩︎
  27. investigation /ɪnˌvestɪˈɡeɪʃn/ noun
    an official examination of the facts about a situation, crime, etc.
    (正式的)调查,侦察 ↩︎


HSBC Asset Management汇丰资产管理公司London
DWS asset managementDWS集团/德意志资产管理Frankfurt
Lion Global Investors利安资金管理公司Singapore
Franklin Templeton富兰克林邓普顿投资San Mateo, California
Alliance Bernstein联博基金
J.P. Morgan Asset Management摩根资产管理
Allianz Global Investors安联环球投资
Aberdeen Asset Management安本资产管理
Fidelity International富达国际Pembroke,UK
First State首源投資
Goldman Sachs高盛New York
Henderson Global Investors骏利亨德森投资London
Legg Mason美盛资产管理Baltimore, MD
Neuberger Berman纽伯格伯曼
Schroder Investment Management施罗德投资London
PIMCO Global Advisors太平洋投资管理公司(安联)/品浩Newport Beach, California
Fullerton Fund Management富敦投资管理(淡马锡)Singapore


01. custody /ˈkʌstədi/ noun
the legal right or duty to take care of or keep somebody/something; the act of taking care of something/somebody
the state of being in prison, especially while waiting for trial

02. escrow

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1. Custody (托管)

  • 含义: “Custody” 指的是某人或机构为另一方保管资产、证券、或财产。托管人(如银行、金融机构)负责保管和管理资产,但通常不参与资产的买卖或转移。
  • 应用场景: 常用于金融领域,如股票、债券、基金的保管。托管人负责确保资产安全,并根据委托人的指示执行交易。
  • 例子:
    • “The bank provides custody services for the client’s investment portfolio.”(银行为客户的投资组合提供托管服务。)

2. Escrow (第三方托管)

  • 含义: “Escrow” 是一种特殊的托管方式,指的是由第三方持有资产或资金,直到特定条件或协议条款得到满足。第三方在条件满足后,才会将资产或资金交给最终受益人。
  • 应用场景: 常见于房地产交易、并购、软件开发(如代码托管)等。Escrow 的核心是确保交易双方的权益,直到协议中约定的条件完成。
  • 例子:
    • “The funds are held in escrow until the property deal is finalized.”(资金由第三方托管,直到房产交易完成。)


  • Custody 强调的是对资产的长期保管和管理,更注重安全性和维护。
  • Escrow 更侧重于在特定条件达成之前的短期托管,起到确保交易公平性的作用。

简单来说,Custody 更适合描述金融资产的保管,而 Escrow 则常用于需要第三方临时保管资产以确保协议履行的场景。