
Enjoy no sales charge when you invest in the new Franklin Income Fund
Give your portfolio an edge and achieve potential returns across market cycles with the new Franklin Income Fund. Perfect for investors seeking long-term stability amid market volatility, this multi-asset fund has a proven track record of 25 years, delivering both income and capital appreciation.

Exclusively for OCBC customers, invest with no sales charge from now till 24 September 2024, or until the tranche is fully subscribed. Additional fees may apply.
A time-tested strategy delivering attractive and consistent income
Backed by a 25-year track record, the fund aims to maximise income while maintaining prospects for capital appreciation. It taps on the expertise of 1,500+ investment professionals with USD1.60 trillion assets under management. Dynamic asset allocation that adapts to market conditions
Allocations within the portfolio are routinely monitored and adjusted, leading to better downside protection. This allows investors to benefit from any market condition – to capture the potential of equities’ capital appreciation and bonds’ income potential. Diversified across multiple asset classes
The fund has a balanced portfolio with exposure to the US markets, investing in: • Equity securities with attractive dividend yields and long- and short-term debt securities • Common stocks of companies from a variety of industries such as utilities, oil, gas, real estate and consumer goods for growth opportunities • Non-US securities (limited to 25% of net invested assets) • Derivatives for the purposes of hedging, efficient portfolio management and investment purposes
Award-winning fund
Franklin Income Fund is the winner of the Benchmark Fund of the Year Awards 2022: House Awards – Balanced Mixed Asset.

English for Finance – 02


In the earliest days, for example in ancient1 Babylon, measures of wheat2 were the money commodity. People would exchange other goods and services firstly by exchanging quantities of wheat. And eventually it was worked out by the Babylonian priests that they could hold the wheat in a central store and then simply keep records of who owned the wheat. And rather than physically moving the wheat around, eventually we had a primitive system – quite advanced by the terms of the day – of record keeping. We had ledgers.


So even though the problem of portability was solved, a further one was still present, that of durability. Because wheat perishes over time, it’s not a good store of value.

What are good stores of value, of course, are precious metals such as gold and silver. It’s not difficult to see why these became a form of money, but in their earliest forms, they were not easily divisible.

You didn’t always have the precise amount, or you couldn’t get change. So divisibility is a key property of money.





1、 portability 可携带性
2、 durability 持久性
3、 divisibility 可分性
4、 money commodity 商品货币,实物货币
5、 primitive system of record keeping 原始簿记制度
6、 ledger 分户账


  1. ancient /ˈeɪnʃənt/ adjective
     belonging to a period of history that is thousands of years in the past
    古代的 ↩︎
  2. wheat /wiːt/ noun
    a plant grown for its grain that is used to produce the flour for bread, cakes, pasta, etc.; the grain of this plant
    小麦;小麦粒 ↩︎


01. usage /ˈjuːzɪdʒ/ noun
[uncountable] the fact of something being used; how much something is used

02. utilization /ˌjuːtəlaɪˈzeɪʃn/ noun
(British English also utilisation)
[uncountable] (formal)
the relationship between the amount that a factory, etc. produces and the amount that it is designed to produce
the act of using something, especially for a practical purpose

Elevate2 Your English with ChatGPT


1. Usage

  • 含义: “Usage” 更加关注“使用”的方式和频率。它指的是某物被使用的情况、模式或频率,而不仅仅是数量。
  • 场合: 常用于描述一般性的使用情况,特别是在谈论某种资源、语言、服务、或设备的使用方式和习惯时。
  • 例子:
    • “Internet usage has increased dramatically over the past decade.”(过去十年间,互联网的使用量大幅增加。)
    • “Language usage varies across different regions.”(语言的使用方式在不同地区有所不同。)

2. Utilization

  • 含义: “Utilization” 更加具体,指的是某物被实际使用的比例或程度,通常与其潜力或总容量相比。它更强调资源的有效使用率。
  • 场合: 常用于技术或商业领域,特别是当谈论设备、机器、劳动、时间等资源的效率时。
  • 例子:
    • “The utilization of the new machine is only at 70% of its full capacity.”(新机器的使用率只有其满负荷的70%。)
    • “Utilization of office space has increased since the renovation.”(自从装修后,办公室空间的使用率提高了。)


  • Usage 侧重于使用方式和频率,较为宽泛。
  • Utilization 侧重于使用的效率和程度,通常带有与总容量或潜力对比的含义。

在某些情况下,两者可能可以互换使用,但通常 “utilization” 更具技术性或量化意义,而 “usage” 更加通用。

  1. 此条释义来自商务英语词典。 ↩︎
  2. elevate /ˈelɪveɪt/ verb
    (formal) to give somebody/something a higher position or rank, often more important than they deserve
    提拔,晋升,提升(到不应有的位置) ↩︎


We refer to your mail on 20 August 2024.

We note S$4.31 was refunded on 21 August 2024 to your 360 Accoutn.

We trust your queries was resolved.

If you have further questions, please feel free to email us or contat our Personal Banking hotline at the number listed on OCBC website > Contact Us.
如果您有其他问题,请随时通过邮件与我们联系,或拨打OCBC网站 > 联系我们 页面上列出的个人银行热线号码联系我们。

Thank you for banking with us. we look forward to serving you agin.

Yours sincerely

Nur Ilyana
Customer Service Executive
Contact Centre



Dear Valued Customer
As you instructed, we have made the following UnionPay payment:

Payment date : 20/08/2024 20:06:11
支付日期:2024年8月20日 20:06:11
Amount : SGD4.31 (CNY23.00)
金额:新加坡元4.31 (人民币23.00)
From your account :
Reference number :
If you have any questions, please call us at 1800 363 3333 (or +65 6363 3333 from overseas).
如果您有任何问题,请致电 1800 363 3333(或从海外拨打 +65 6363 3333)联系我们。
Thank you for banking with us. We look forward to serving you again.

Yours sincerely
Digital Business
Global Consumer Financial Services

Do allow us to warn you against phishing attempts involving e-mails that claim to be from OCBC. We will not send you any emails with links requesting your Access Code, PIN or One-time Password. Enter your login credentials only into the OCBC Digital app or after accessing the OCBC website (always type out the URL to do this).
请允许我们提醒您提防钓鱼邮件,这些邮件可能伪装成来自华侨银行的通信。我们不会发送任何包含链接的邮件,要求您提供访问码、密码或一次性密码。请仅在OCBC Digital应用程序或通过手动输入OCBC网站的URL后输入您的登录凭据。


Hello, I had a transaction on August 20, 2024, using China UnionPay. The transaction amount was SGD 4.31 (CNY 23.00) at a McDonald’s self-service kiosk. The payment was successfully deducted, but the transaction failed. Can this amount be refunded?


Money Lock:Protect your funds and Time Deposit accounts from scams.

Protect your funds: Lock funds that are in excess of what you need for regular or budgeted expenses. Your locked funds still count towards the account balance for the purposes of earning interest.
保护您的资金: 锁定超出您日常或预算支出所需的资金。锁定的资金仍然计入账户余额,用于计算利息。

Secure your Time Deposits: Lock your Time Deposit account to protect your placements (i.e. existing ones and those made in the future) from scams.
保障您的定期存款: 锁定您的定期存款账户,以保护您现有和未来的存款免受诈骗。


An account for your basic trading needs.

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Important notices:
We are unable to support Australian and US, Tax Residents in their trading in their respective markets. The Online Equities Account is trading account which is linked to a sub-account with OCBC Securities. Your SGX-listed shares will be held in this sub-account.