
01. proposal /prəˈpəʊzl/ noun
[countable, uncountable] a formal suggestion or plan; the act of making a suggestion

02. blaze /bleɪz/ noun
(used especially in newspapers)
a very large fire, especially a dangerous one
[singular] strong bright flames in a fire
[singular] a blaze of something a very bright show of lights or colour; a show of something that is impressive or likely to attract attention
[singular] (a) blaze of something a sudden show of very strong feeling
[countable, usually singular] a white mark on an animal’s face

03. anniversary /ˌænɪˈvɜːsəri/ noun
a date that is an exact number of years after the date of an important or special event

04. symposium /sɪmˈpəʊziəm/ noun
symposium (on something) a meeting at which experts have discussions about a particular subject; a small conference

05. ETA /ˌiː tiː ˈeɪ/ abbreviation
estimated time of arrival (the time at which an aircraft, a ship, etc. is expected to arrive)

06. severe /sɪˈvɪə(r)/ adjective
extremely bad or serious
punishing somebody in an extreme way when they break a particular set of rules

07. advisory /ədˈvaɪzəri/ adjective
having the role of giving professional advice


01. Marks & Spencer /ˌmɑːks ən ˈspensə(r)/
(abbreviation M & S)
a well-known British department store , selling clothes, food and other products. The first shops were started by Michael Marks and Thomas Spencer in the late 19th century in Leeds, and there are now shops in many British towns, and in many countries across the world. Marks and Spencer is traditionally the place where many people go to buy items such as underwear and socks. The company is also known by the general public as ‘Marks and Sparks’ or simply ‘Marks’.
英国著名的百货公司,销售服装、食品和其他商品。19世纪末由迈克尔马克斯和托马斯斯宾塞在利兹创办,现在英国大多数城镇和许多其他国家都有玛莎百货商店。传统上许多人去该店购买内衣和袜子之类的物品。该公司也被大众称作Marks and Sparks,或者就叫Marks。

02. aggregate /ˈæɡrɪɡət/ noun
[countable] a total number or amount made up of smaller amounts that are collected together

03. audience /ˈɔːdiəns/ noun
[countable + singular or plural verb] the group of people who have gathered to watch or listen to something (a play, concert, somebody speaking, etc.)
[countable] a number of people or a particular group of people who watch, read, or listen to the same thing

04. prosperity /prɒˈsperəti/ noun
the state of being successful, especially in making money

05. consent /kənˈsent/ noun
[uncountable] permission to do something, especially given by somebody in authority
[uncountable] agreement about something

06. orchestra /ˈɔːkɪstrə/ noun
[countable + singular or plural verb] a large group of people who play various musical instruments together, led by a conductor

07. barracuda /ˌbærəˈkjuːdə/ noun
a large aggressive fish with sharp teeth that lives in warm seas

08. AI /ˌeɪ ˈaɪ/ abbreviation
artificial intelligence (= the study and development of computer systems that can copy intelligent human behaviour)

09. artificial intelligence /ˌɑːtɪfɪʃl ɪnˈtelɪdʒəns/ noun
(abbreviation AI)
the study and development of computer systems that can copy intelligent human behaviour

10. laundry /ˈlɔːndri/ noun
[uncountable] clothes, sheets, etc. that need washing, that are being washed, or that have been washed recently
[uncountable, singular] the process or the job of washing clothes, sheets, etc.
[countable] a business or place where you send sheets, clothes, etc. to be washed

11. discretionary /dɪˈskreʃənəri/ adjective
[usually before noun] (formal)
decided according to the judgement of a person in authority about what is necessary in each particular situation; not decided by rules

12. innovation /ˌɪnəˈveɪʃn/ noun
[uncountable] the introduction of new things, ideas or ways of doing something
[countable] a new idea, way of doing something, etc. that has been introduced or discovered


01. committee /kəˈmɪti/ noun
[countable + singular or plural verb]
a group of people who are chosen, usually by a larger group, to make decisions or to deal with a particular subject

02. cooperation /kəʊˌɒpəˈreɪʃn/ noun
(British English also co-operation)
the fact of doing something together or of working together towards a shared aim
cooperation (with somebody) (in doing something) a desire to be helpful and do as you are asked

03. quantity /ˈkwɒntəti/ noun
[countable, uncountable] an amount or a number of something
[uncountable] the measurement of something by saying how much of it there is

04. endorse /ɪnˈdɔːs/ verb
endorse something to say publicly that you support a person, statement or course of action
endorse something to say in an advertisement that you use and like a particular product so that other people will want to buy it

05. approve /əˈpruːv/ verb
[intransitive] to think that somebody/something is good, acceptable or suitable
[transitive] approve something to officially agree to a plan, request, etc.

06. rental /ˈrentl/ noun
(also rent especially in North American English)
[uncountable, countable, usually singular] the amount of money that you pay to use something for a particular period of time
[uncountable] the act of renting something or an arrangement to rent something

07. lump sum /ˌlʌmp ˈsʌm/ noun
(also lump sum payment)
an amount of money that is paid at one time and not on separate occasions

08. statement /ˈsteɪtmənt/ noun
[countable] something that you say or write that gives information or an opinion
[countable] a formal or official account of facts or opinions

09. paper clip /ˈpeɪpə klɪp/ noun
a piece of bent wire or plastic that is designed to hold loose sheets of paper together

10. quotation /kwəʊˈteɪʃn/ noun
(rather formal)(also rather informal quote)
[countable] a group of words or a short piece of writing taken from a book, play, speech, etc. and repeated because it is interesting or useful
[uncountable] the act of repeating something interesting or useful that another person has written or said
[countable] (rather formal)
(also rather informal quote)
a statement of how much money a particular piece of work will cost
[countable] (finance) a statement of the current value of goods or shares

11. fortress /ˈfɔːtrəs/ noun
a building or place that has been made stronger and protected against attack

Fortress Hill 炮台山 (paau3 toi4 saan1)

12. the Admiralty /ði ˈædmərəlti/ noun
[singular + singular or plural verb]
(in the UK in the past) the government department controlling the navy

13. era /ˈɪərə/ noun
a period of time, usually in history, that is different from other periods because of particular characteristics or events

14. blackout /ˈblækaʊt/ noun
a period when there is no light as a result of an electrical power failure

15. strategic /strəˈtiːdʒɪk/ adjective
[usually before noun]
done as part of a plan that is meant to achieve a particular purpose or to gain an advantage
connected with getting an advantage in a war or other military situation

16. resident /ˈrezɪdənt/ noun
a person who lives in a particular place or who has their home there

17. Columbia University /kəˌlʌmbiə juːnɪˈvɜːsəti/
(also Columbia)
a large private university in New York City. It was established in 1754 as King’s College and became Columbia University in 1896. It has a high reputation for training students to become doctors, lawyers and journalists.

18. settle /ˈsetl/ verb
[transitive, intransitive] to put an end to an argument or a disagreement
[transitive, often passive] to decide or arrange something finally
 [intransitive] + adv./prep. to make a place your permanent home
 [transitive, usually passive, intransitive] (of a group of people) to make your permanent home in a country or an area as colonists

19. pharmacy /ˈfɑːməsi/ noun
[countable] a shop, or part of one, that sells medicines and drugs

20. palace /ˈpæləs/ noun
[countable] the official home of a king, queen, president, etc.
(often the Palace) [singular] a way of referring to the people who live or work in a palace, especially the British royal family and their advisers

21. pinch /pɪntʃ/ verb
[transitive] pinch somebody/something/yourself to take a piece of somebody’s skin and press it together hard with your thumb and the finger next to it

22. notation /nəʊˈteɪʃn/ noun
[uncountable, countable]
a system of signs or symbols used to represent information, especially in mathematics, science and music

23. royal /ˈrɔɪəl/ adjective
connected with or belonging to the king or queen of a country
(abbreviation R) used in the names of organizations that serve or are supported by a king or queen

24. azure /ˈæʒə(r)/ adjective
bright blue in colour like the sky

25. co-pilot /ˈkəʊ paɪlət/ noun
a second pilot who helps the main pilot in an aircraft

26. Dutch /dʌtʃ/ adjective
of or connected with the Netherlands, its people or its language

27. adaptive /əˈdæptɪv/ adjective
connected with changing; able to change when necessary in order to deal with different situations