
01. genius /ˈdʒiːniəs/ noun
[uncountable] unusually great intelligence, skill or artistic ability
[countable] a person who is unusually intelligent or artistic, or who has a very high level of skill, especially in one area

02. patent /ˈpætnt/ noun
[countable, uncountable]
an official right to be the only person to make, use or sell a product or an invention; a document that proves this

03. eligible /ˈelɪdʒəbl/ adjective
a person who is eligible for something or to do something, is able to have or do it because they have the right qualifications, are the right age, etc.

04. insufficient /ˌɪnsəˈfɪʃnt/ adjective
not large, strong or important enough for a particular purpose

05. due date /ˈdjuː deɪt/ noun
[usually singular]
the date by or on which something is expected, especially the payment of a bill or the birth of a baby

06. gin /dʒɪn/ noun
[uncountable, countable] an alcoholic drink made from grain and with juniper berries added. Gin is usually drunk mixed with tonic or fruit juice.
[countable] a glass of gin

07. distil /dɪˈstɪl/ verb
(North American English distill)
distil something (from something) to make a liquid pure by heating it until it becomes a gas, then cooling it and collecting the drops of liquid that form
distil something to make something such as a strong alcoholic drink in this way
distil something (from/into something) (formal) to get the essential meaning or ideas from thoughts, information, experiences, etc.

08. consistency /kənˈsɪstənsi/ noun
[uncountable] (approving) the quality of always behaving in the same way or of having the same opinions, standard, etc.; the quality of being consistent
[countable, uncountable] the consistency of a mixture or a liquid substance is how thick, smooth, etc. it is

09. quorum /ˈkwɔːrəm/ noun
the smallest number of people who must be at a meeting before it can begin or decisions can be made

10. cycling /ˈsaɪklɪŋ/ noun
the sport or activity of riding a bicycle

11. canister /ˈkænɪstə(r)/ noun
a container with a lid (= cover) for holding tea, coffee, etc.

12. enclousure /ɪnˈkləʊʒə(r)/ noun
[countable] a piece of land that is surrounded by a fence or wall and is used for a particular purpose

13. souffle /ˈsuːfleɪ/ noun
[countable, uncountable]
a dish made from egg whites, milk and flour mixed together to make it light, with cheese, fruit, etc. added and baked until it rises

14. blend /blend/ verb
[transitive] to mix two or more substances together
[intransitive] to form a mixture with something
[intransitive, transitive] to combine with something in an attractive or effective way; to combine something in this way
[transitive, usually passive] blend something to produce something by mixing different types together

M&S Distilled 8 Years Aged Blended Scotch Whisky

15. rebate /ˈriːbeɪt/ noun
an amount of money that is paid back to you because you have paid too much
an amount of money that is taken away from the cost of something, before you pay for it