LAST UPDATED: 04/10/2022
Phonics: Level 1 – Biff’s Fun Phonics
Tips for Reading Together
Children learn best when the are having fun.
- Tell your child that they are going to help Biff read captions and look for things in the pictures.
- Ask your child to read the captions and sentences on the left hand page. Then ask them to match them to the correct picture on the right hand page.
- Dont’t forget that if you talk about letter sounds, for exapmle ‘b’, you shoud say buh, not bee. You can listen to the letter sounds on
- Give lots of praise as your child reads with you and does the activities.
- Play the game on page 22 to help the muddy pup get to the bath.
Find the spider hidden in every picture.
This book practise these letter sounds:
s a t p i n m d g o c ck e u r h b f l v ff ll ss
Read the two captions. Can you match each caption to its picture?
a cap on a peg
a cup and a mug
Read the two captions. Can you match each caption to its picture?
cod in a pan
carrots in a pot
Readd the sentences. Which one matches the picture?
Hit the bell.
Fill the pot.
Read the captions. Can you find the rat and the hat in the picture?
a rat as big as a cat
a red hat in a red bag
Read these captions. Can you match the captions to the pictures?
red on the rug
mess on the mat
Read the sentences. Can you find the rabbit and the pup in the picture?
The rabbit is in the hut.
The pup is in the mud.
Read the sentences. Which one matches the picture?
Get off the bus.
Get a hug and a kill.
Read the sentences. Which one matches the picture?
A nut on the bag.
Get on top of the rock.
Read the Sentences. Can you find the rabbit and the duck in the picture?
The rabbit is at the vet.
The duck is on top.
Muddy maze
Help the muddy pup get to the bath.