
01. attendant /əˈtendənt/ noun
a person whose job is to serve or help people in a public place
a person who takes care of and lives or travels with a person who has an important job, or who has a medical condition or disability

02. original /əˈrɪdʒənl/ adjective
[only before noun] existing at the beginning of a particular period, process or activity
new and interesting in a way that is different from anything that has existed before; able to produce new and interesting ideas
[usually before noun] painted, written, etc. by the artist rather than copied

03. resort /rɪˈzɔːt/ noun
[countable] a place where a lot of people go on holiday

04. masquerade /ˌmæskəˈreɪd/ noun
(formal) a way of behaving that hides the truth or a person’s true feelings
(especially North American English) a type of party where people wear special costumes and masks over their faces, to hide their identities

05. win /wɪn/ verb
 [intransitive, transitive] to be the most successful in a competition, race, battle, etc.
[transitive] to get something as the result of a competition, race, election, etc.
[transitive] win something to achieve or get something that you want, especially by your own efforts

06. place /pleɪs/ noun
[transitive] place something + adv./prep. to put something in a particular place, especially when you do it carefully or deliberately
 [transitive] place something on something/somebody/doing something used to express the attitude somebody has towards something/somebody
[transitive] place something to give instructions about something or make a request for something to happen
[transitive] place somebody/something + adv./prep. to decide that somebody/something has a particular position or rank compared with other people or things
[transitive, intransitive] used to describe a person, a team, a horse, etc. finishing in a particular position in a race

07. journalist /ˈdʒɜːnəlɪst/ noun
a person whose job is to collect and write news stories for newspapers, magazines, radio, television or online news sites

08. terminus /ˈtɜːmɪnəs/ noun
the last station at the end of a railway line or the last stop on a bus route