OFD Vacabulary 3

LAST UPDATED: 29/10/2021

Oxford First Dictionary
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

词汇来源:Chip’s Letter Sounds

(1) sun /sʌn/
The sun gives the Earth heat and light. It is a star, and the Earth moves round it.

(2) sea /siː/
noun (plural seas)
The sea is the salt water that covers most of the Earth’s surface.

(3) sand /sænd/
Sand is powder made up of tiny bits of rock. Sand covers deserts and the land next to the sea.

(4) sandwich /ˈsænwɪtʃ/
noun (plural sandwiches)
A sandwich is two slices of bread with another food between them.

(5) sock /sɒk/
noun  (plural socks)
A sock is a soft covering for your foot and part of your leg.

(6) sandal /ˈsændl/
noun (plural sandals)
A sandal is an open shoe with straps that go over your foot. People wear sandals in warm weather.

(7) spade /speɪd/
noun (plural spades)
A spade is a tool used for digging. it has a long handle and a short, wide blade.

(8) seagulls /ˈsiːɡʌl/ (OALD 10)
a seabird with long wings and usually white and grey or black feathers. There are several types of seagull.

(9) sandcastle /ˈsændkɑːsl/ (OALD 10)
a pile of sand made to look like a castle, usually by a child on a beach

(10) straw /strɔː/
noun (plural straws)
A straw is a very thin tube for drinking through.
Can I have a straw with my drink?

(11) sail /seɪl/
noun (plural sails)
A sail is a large piece of strong cloth joined to a boat. The wind blows into the sail and makes the boat move.

The boat hade a stripy sail.

(12) table /ˈteɪbl/
noun (plural tables)
A table is a piece of furniture. It has legs and a flat top.

(13) teapot /ˈtiːpɒt/ (OALD)
a container with a spout, a handle and a lid, used for making and serving tea

(14) tray /treɪ/ (OALD)
a flat piece of wood, metal or plastic with raised edges, used for carring or hoding things, especially food

(15) towel /ˈtaʊəl/
noun (plural towels)
A towel is a piece of cloth to dry yourself with.

(16) tent /tent/
noun (plural tents)
A tent is made of strong cloth stretched over poles. You can sleep in a tent when you go camping.

(17) train /treɪn/
noun (plural trains)
A train carries people or things on railway lines.

(18) tool /tuːl/
noun (plural tools)
A tool is something that you use in your hand to help you do a job. Hammers and saws are tools.

(19) tractor /ˈtræktə(r)/
noun (plural tractors)
A tractor is a vehicle with a strong engine used for pulling heavy things on a farm.

(20) tennis /ˈtenɪs/
Tennies is a game in which players hit a ball backwards and forwards over a net.

(21) tennis racket /ˈtenɪs rækɪt/ (OALD)
(also tennis racquet) noun
the racket that you use when you play tennis

tennis ball

(22) tail /teɪl/
noun (plural tails)
An animal’s tail is the part that grows out from the back end of its body.

(23) present /ˈpreznt/
noun (plural presents)
A present is something special you give to someone.
Did you like your birthday present?

(24) paints /peɪnt/
noun (plural paints)
Paint is a liquid that you put on the surface of something to colour it.
I will get my tins of paint.

(25) picture /ˈpɪktʃə(r)/
noun (plural pictures)
A picture is a painting, drawing or photograph.

(26) penguins /ˈpeŋɡwɪn/
noun (plural penguins)
A penguin is a black and white bird that usually lives in very cold places. Penguins cannot fly but they are good at swimming.

(27) parrot /ˈpærət/
noun (plural parrots)
A parrot is a bird with brightly coloured feathers and a large, curved beak.

(28) panda /ˈpændə/
noun (plural pandas)
A panda is a large animal with black and white fur that looks like a bear.

(29) polar bear /ˈpəʊlə beə(r)/
noun (plural polar bears)
A polar bear is a large white bear that lives near the Noth Pole.

(30) pop /pɒp/
verb pops, popping, popped
If something pops, it bursts with a loud bang.

Suddenly one of the balloons popped.

(31) pin /pɪn/
noun (plural pins)
A pin is a short, thin piece of metal with a sharp point at one edd. You use pins to hold pieces of paper or cloth together.

(32) parents /ˈpeərənt/
noun (plural parents)
Your parents are your mother and your father.

(33) pen /pen/
noun (plural pens)
A pen is someting you use to write with in ink.

(34) ill /ɪl/
Someone who is ill does not feel well.

(35) ink /ɪŋk/
Ink is the coloured liquid that is used for writing with a pen.

(36) insects /ˈɪnsekt/
noun (plural insects)
An insect is a very samll animal with six legs. Flies, ants butterflies and bees are all insects.

(37) apple /ˈæpl/
noun (plural apples)
An apple is a round fruit. Apples have green, red or yellow skins.

(38) ambulance /ˈæmbjələns/
noun (plural ambulances)
An ambulance is a special van for taking people to hospital when they are ill or badly hurt.

(39) ant /ænt/
noun (plural ants)
An ant is a tiny insect. Ants live in large groups.

(40) animals /ˈænɪml/
noun (plural animals)
An animal is something that lives, can move about and is not a plant. Elephants, parrots, bees, goldfih and people are all animals.

(41) bat /bæt/
noun (plural bats)
A bat is also an animal that looks like a mouse with wings.
Bats come out at night to hunt for food.

(42) fan /fæn/ (OALD)
a machine that creates a current of air

(43) hat /hæt/
noun (plural hats)
A hat is something you wear on your head.

(44) man /mæn/
noun (plural mem)
A man is a grown-up male person.

(45) lamp /læmp/
noun (plural lamps)
A lamp is a light, especially one that you can hold or move around.

pat /pæt/
verb pats,patting,patted
If you pat something, you touch it gently with your hand.
She bent down to pat the dog’s head.

rat /ræt/
noun (plural rats)
A rat looks like a mouse, but is larger.

cat /kæt/
noun (plural cats)
A cat is a furry animal. Small cats are often kept as pets. Large cats like lions and tigers live in the wild.

fin /fɪn/
noun (plural fins)
A fin is one of he thin, flat parts that stand out from a fish’s body. Fins help fish to swim.

pillow /ˈpɪləʊ/
noun (plural pillows)
A pillow is something soft that you rest your head on in bed.

night /naɪt/
noun (plural nights)
Night is the time when it is dark, after the sun goes down.

necklace /ˈnekləs/
noun (plural necklaces)
A necklace is a chain of jewels or beads that someone wears round their neck.

newspaper /ˈnjuːzpeɪpə(r)/
noun (plural newspapers)
A newspaper is a number of large sheets of paper folded together. It tells you about things that are happening in the world. Most newspapers come out every day.

needle /ˈniːdl/
noun (plural needles)
A needle is a very thin, pointed piece of metal. Needles used for sewing have holes in them for the thread to go through.
You use a needle and thread to sew a button on.

net /net/
noun (plural nets)
A net is made of string of rope tied together with spaces in between. Nets are used in games like fottball and basketball. They are also used to catch fish and other animals.

moon /muːn/
noun (plural moons)
The moon moves round the Earth onece every twenty-eight days. You can often see the moon shining in the sky at night.

Mum /mʌm/
noun (plural mums, mummies)
Mum or mummy is what you call your mother.

mug /mʌɡ/
noun (plural mugs)
A mug is large cup that does not need a saucer.

mice /maɪs/
noun (plural of mouse)
We could hear mice under the floor.

monster /ˈmɒnstə(r)/
noun (plural monsters)
In stories, a monster is a huge, fierce creature.

monkeys /ˈmʌŋki/
noun (plural monkeys)
A monkey is an animal that lives in the trees in hot countries. It swings and climbs using its hands, feet and long tail.

game /ɡeɪm/
noun (plural games)
A game is something you play that has rules. Football, chess and hide-and-seek are games.

garden /ˈɡɑːdn/
noun (plural gardens)
A garden is piece of ground where people can grow flowers and vegetables. Someone’s garden is usually next to their house.

green /ɡriːn/
Green is the colour of leaves or grass.

girl /ɡɜːl/
noun (plural girls)
A girl is a female child or young adult.

grass /ɡrɑːs/
Grass is a green plant with thin leaves. Grass covers the ground in gardens and fields.

goal /ɡəʊl/

goldfish /ˈɡəʊldfɪʃ/
noun (plural goldfish)
A goldfish is a small, orange fish that people often keep as a pet.

Dad /dæd/
noun (plural dads, daddies)
Dad or daddy is what you call your father.

dinosaur /ˈdaɪnəsɔː(r)/
noun (plural dinosaurs)
A dinosaur is a large animal that lived millions of years ago. Dinosaurs looked like huge lizards.

doll /dɒl/
noun (plural dolls)
A doll is a toy that looks like a baby or a small person.

dog /dɒɡ/
noun (plural dogs)
A dog is an animal that people keep as a pet or to do work.

octopus /ˈɒktəpəs/
noun (plural octopuses)
An octopus is a sea animal with eight long arms and a soft body.

oranges /ˈɒrɪndʒ/
noun (plural oranges)
An orange is a round and sweet fruit with a thick peel.

Do you want an orage or an apple?

cake /keɪk/
noun (plural cakes)
A cake is a food made with flour, butter, eggs and sugar. You bake a cake in the oven.

cook /kʊk/
verb cooks, cooking, cooked
If someone cooks food, they get it ready to eat by heating it.
Dad was in the kitchen cooking dinner.

caterpillar /ˈkætəpɪlə(r)/
noun (plural caterpillars)
A caterpillar is a long, creeping animal that will turn into a butterfly or moth.

competition /ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn/
noun (plural competitions)
A competition is something that people take part in to see who is best at doing something.


car /kɑː(r)/
noun (plural cars)
You can ride in a car. It has wheels and an engine to make it go.

castle /ˈkɑːsl/
noun (plural castles)
A castle is a large, strong buliding with very thick stone walls. Castles were built long ago to keep the people inside safe from their enemies.

crown /kraʊn/
noun (plural crowns)
A crown is a ring of gold and jewels that kings and queens wear on their heads.

cream /kriːm/
Cream is the thick part of milk, often used in cakes and puddings.

crocodile /ˈkrɒkədaɪl/
noun (plural crocodiles)
A crocodile is a large animal that lives in rivers in some hot countries. Crocodiles are reptiles, and have short legs, a long body and sharpe teeth.

cup /kʌp/
noun (plural cups)
People drink things like tea from a cup. A cup has a handle.

kangaroo /ˌkæŋɡəˈruː/
noun (plural kangaroos)
A kangaroo is a large, Australian animal with strong back legs that it uses for jumping. A female kangaroo has a pocket at the front, where it carries its baby.

kitchen /ˈkɪtʃɪn/
noun (plural kitchens)
A kitchen is a room where food is cooked.

eggs /eɡ/
noun (plural eggs)
Baby birds, snamkes and insects live inside eggs until they are big enought to be born. Birds’ eggsare oval, with a thin, hard shell.

elephant /ˈelɪfənt/
noun (plural elephants)
An elephant is a very large, grey animal with a very long nose, called a trunk, and big ears.

umbrella /ʌmˈbrelə/
noun (plural umbrellas)
An umbrella is cloth stretched over a frame, which youhold over your head to keep off the rain.

rain /reɪn/
Rain is water that falls from the sky in drops.

red /red/
Something that is red is the colour of blood.

rabbit /ˈræbɪt/
noun (plural rabbits)
A rabbit is a small, furry animal with long ears. Rabbits live in holes in the ground.

river /ˈrɪvə(r)/
noun (plural rivers)
A river is a line of water that flows across the land to the sea or to a lake.

rocks /rɒk/
noun (plural rocks)
Rock is the hard, stony part of the earth. A rock is a very large stone.

Abi hid behind a rock.

holiday /ˈhɒlədeɪ/
noun (plural holidays)
A holiday is time off from school or work.

head /hed/
noun (plural heads)
Your head is the part of your body that is above your neck and has your brain in it.

He nodded his head.

hat /hæt/
noun (plural hats)
A hat is something you wear on your head.

house /haʊs/
noun (plural houses)
A house is a building where people live.

horse /hɔːs/
noun (plural horses)
A horse is an animal with hoofs that is used for riding and pulling things.

hop /hɒp/
verb hops, hopping, hopped
When you hop, you jump on one leg. Some animals and birds hop on two legs together.

Miki is hopping across the floor.

hair /heə(r)/
Hair is the soft covering that grows on your head and body.


hug /hʌɡ/
verb hugs, hugging, hugged
If you hug someone, you put your arms around them and hold them tightly.

Miki picked up her doll and hugged it.

rub /rʌb/
verb rubs, rubbing, rubbed
If you rub something, you press your hand on it and move it backwards and forwards.

She woke up and rubbed her eyes.


mug /mʌɡ/
noun (plural mugs)
A mug is a lare cup that does not need a saucer.

tree trunk

tree /triː/
noun (plural trees)
A tree is any tall plant with leaves, branches and a thick stem of wood, called a trunk.

They followed a path through the trees.

trunk /trʌŋk/
noun (plural trunks)
A trunk is the thick stem of a tree from which the branches grow.

He was leaning against a tree trunk.

noun (plural ladies)
Lady is a polite word for a woman.

noun lollies
A lolly is a hard sweet on a stick or a piece of fruity ice on a stick.

noun (plural leaves)
A leaf is one of the flat parts that grow on plants and trees. Most leaves are green.

Litter is paper, empty packets, bottles and other rubbish that people drop or leave behind.

noun (plural ladybirds)
A ladybird is a small flying beetle. Most ladybirds are red with black spots.

noun (plural flowers)
A flower is the part of a plant that makes seeds. Many flowers are brightly coloured.

noun (plural bees)
A bee is an insect with wings. Bees make honey and live in a beehive.

noun (plural butterflies)
A butterfly is an insect with four large colourful wings.

noun (plural benches)
A bench is a long seat for more than one person.

noun (plural bins)
A bin si something to put things in. You can use bins to store things like bread or flour. Some bings are for rubbish.

noun (plural biscuits)
A biscuit is a kind of small, thin, dry cake.

noun (plural babies)
A baby is a very youg child.

buggy (OALD)
a type of light folding chair on wheels in which a baby or small child is pushed along

noun (plural balloons)
A ballon is a rubber bag that you can blow into and make bigger. People use balloons to decorate a room for a pary.

noun (plural bags)
A bag is used to hold or carry things.

noun (plural buildings)
A building has walls and a roof. Houses, factories and schools are buildings.

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