Kipper’s Alphabet I Spy

LAST UPDATED: 04/04/2022

Phonics: Level 1 – Kipper’s Alphabet I Spy

Tips for Reading Together

Children learn best when they are having fun.

  • Tell your child they are going to help Kipper play ‘I spy’.
    告诉您的孩子他们将帮助 Kipper 玩“我是小间谍”的游戏。
  • For each left hand page, introduce the alphabet letter by saying the sound clearly, e.g. for ‘b’ say buh not bee. You can listen to the letter sounds on
    对于每个左侧页面,通过清楚地说出发音来介绍字母,例如 对于’b’说buh 而不是 bee。 您可以在 上收听字母发音。
  • Ask your child to trace the letter while repeating the letter sound.
  • Then ask them to ‘spy’ objects on the opposite page starting with the letter.
  • Ask them to say what the objects are, and repeat the word slowly, emphasizing the sound of the initial letter.
  • Give lots of praise as your child plays the game with you.
  • Do the animal tracks puzzle on every page and the maze on page 22.
    在每一页上玩动物足迹拼图,在第 22 页上玩迷宫。

I spy with my little eye, something beginning with… (a/b/c)

apple 苹果
ant 蚂蚁
Biff 人名
banana 香蕉
ball 球
cat 猫
candle 蜡烛

I spy with my little eye, something beginning with… (d/e/f)

dinosaur 恐龙
duck 鸭子
egg 蛋
elephant 大象
Floppy 狗名
feather 羽毛

I spy with my little eye, something beginning with… (g/h/i)

goose 鹅
goat 山羊
gate 门
hair 头发
hat 帽子
horse 马
insect 昆虫

I spy with my little eye, something beginning with… (j/k/l)

jelly 果冻
jigsaw 拼图
Kipper 人名
key 钥匙
kangaroo 袋鼠
ladybird 瓢虫
lion 狮子

I spy with my little eye, something beginning with… (m/n)

moon 月亮
monkey 猴子
milk 牛奶
nose 鼻子
nail 钉子
net 网子

I spy with my little eye, something beginning with… (o/p/q)

orange 橙子
octopus 章鱼
pear 梨子
penguin 企鹅
purple 紫色
queen 女王
quilt 被子

I spy with my little eye, something beginning with… (r/s/t)

red 红色
rabbit 兔子
rainbow 彩虹
sandwich 三明治
sun 太阳
tiger 老虎
teddy 泰迪熊
t-shirt 衬衫

I spy with my little eye, something beginning with… (u/v/w)

umbrella 雨伞
under 在……下面
volcano 火山
violin 小提琴
watermelon 西瓜
watch 手表

I spy with my little eye, something beginning with… (x/y/z)

fox 狐狸
box 盒子
yellow 黄色
yo-yo 悠悠球
yawn 打哈欠
zebra 斑马
zigzag 折线

A Maze

Help Kipper get to Floppy.

Oxford First Dictionary
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

(1) apple /ˈæpl/
noun (plural apples)
An apple is a round fruit. Apples have green, red or yellow skins.

(2) ant /ænt/
noun (plural ants)
An ant is a tiny insect. Ants live in large groups.

(3) Biff /bɪf/

(4) banana /bəˈnɑːnə/
noun (plural bananas)
A banana is a long, curved fruit with a thick, yellow skin.

curved /kɜːvd/ adjective 呈弯曲状的;弧形的
thick /θɪk/ adjective 厚的;粗的 

(5) ball /bɔːl/
noun (plural balls)
A ball is round and is used in games and sports.

(6) cat /kæt/
noun (plural cats)
A cat is furry animal. Small cats are often kept as pets. Large cats like lions and tigers live in the wild.

furry /ˈfɜːri/ adjective 覆盖毛皮的
kept /kept/ verb 养;饲养
cat /kæt/ noun 猫科动物

(7) candle /ˈkændl/
noun (plural candies)
A candle is a stick of wax with string through the middle. You can set the string on fire and it gives light.

stick /stɪk/ noun [countable] 条状物;棍状物
wax /wæks/ noun [uncountable] 蜡;蜂蜡;动物蜡;植物蜡;石蜡
string /strɪŋ/ noun [uncountable, countable] 细绳;线;带子

(8) dinosaur /ˈdaɪnəsɔː(r)/
noun (plural dinosaurs)
A dinosaur is a large animal that lived millions of yeas ago. Dinosaurs looked like huge lizards.

huge /hjuːdʒ/ adjective 巨大的;极多的;程度高的
lizard /ˈlɪzəd/ noun 蜥蜴

(9) duck /dʌk/
noun (plural ducks)
A duck is a bird that lives near water and swims on the water.

swim /swɪm/ verb [intransitive] 游;游动

(10) egg /eɡ/
noun (plural eggs)
Baby birds, snakes and insects live inside eggs until they are big enough to be born. Birds’ eggs are oval, with a thin, hard shell.

(11) elephant /ˈelɪfənt/
noun (plural elephants)
An elephant is a very large, grey animal with a very long nose, called a trunk, and big ears.

grey /ɡreɪ/ adjective 灰色的;烟灰色的;灰白色的
call /kɔːl/ verb 给……命名;称呼;把……叫作
trunk /trʌŋk/ noun 象鼻
ear /ɪə(r)/ noun 耳;耳朵

(12) Floppy /ˈflɒpi/

(13) feather /ˈfeðə(r)/
noun (plural feathers)

A bird’s feathers are the soft, light things that cover its body and help it to fly.

(14) goose /ɡuːs/
noun (plural geese)
A goose is a large bird with a long neck that lives near water.

neck /nek/ noun 颈;脖子

(15) goat /ɡəʊt/
noun (plural goats)
A goat is an animal with horns and sometimes a beard under its chin. Goats are sometimes kept for their milk.

horn /hɔːn/ noun [countable](羊、牛等动物的)角
beard /bɪəd/ noun (人的)胡须,络腮胡子;(动物的)颔毛,须
chin /tʃɪn/ noun 颏,下巴

(16) gate /ɡeɪt/
noun (plural  gates)

A gate is a kind of door in a wall, fence or hedge.

fence /fens/ noun 栅栏;篱笆;围栏
hedge /hedʒ/ noun 树篱

(17) hair /heə(r)/

Hair is the soft covering that grows on your head and body.

covering /ˈkʌvərɪŋ/ noun (一层)覆盖层,遮盖物

(18) horse /hɔːs/
noun (plural horses)

A horse is an animal with hoofs that is used for riding and pulling things.

hoof /huːf/ noun (马等动物的)蹄
riding /ˈraɪdɪŋ/ noun 骑马
pull /pʊl/ verb 拉;拽;扯;拖

(19) insect /ˈɪnsekt/
noun (plural insects)

An insect is a very small animal with six legs. Flies, ants, butterflies and bees are all insects.

fly /flaɪ/ noun 蝇;苍蝇

(20) jelly /ˈdʒeli/
noun (plural jellies)

Jelly is a sweet food made from fruit and sugar that shakes when you move it.

shake /ʃeɪk/ verb 摇动;抖动;(使)颤动

(21) jigsaw /ˈdʒɪɡsɔː/
noun (plural jigsaws)

A jigsaw is a puzzle made from a picture. When you fit the pieces together, you can see the picture.

puzzle /ˈpʌzl/ noun 谜;智力游戏
fit /fɪt/ verb 合上;盖上;组合;组装

(22) Kipper /ˈkɪpə(r)/

(23) key /kiː/
noun (plural keys)

A key is a piece of metal with a special shape so that it fits into a lock.

metal /ˈmetl/ noun 金属
shape /ʃeɪp/ noun 形状;外形;样子;呈……形状的事物
fit into Phrasal Verbs (大小、式样、数量适合)可容纳,装进

(24) kangaroo /ˌkæŋɡəˈruː/
noun (plural kangaroos)

A kangaroo is a large, Australian animal with strong back legs that it uses for jumping. A female kangaroo has a pocket at the front, where it carries its baby.

female /ˈfiːmeɪl/ adjective 雌的;母的
carry /ˈkæri/ verb 拿;提;搬;扛;背;抱;运送

(25) ladybird /ˈleɪdibɜːd/
noun (plural ladybirds)

A ladybird is a small flying beetle. Most ladybirds are red with black spots.

beetle /ˈbiːtl/ noun 甲虫
spot /spɒt/ noun 斑点

(26) lion /ˈlaɪən/
noun (plural lions)
A lion is a large, wild cat. A male lion has a circle of long fur around its head.

male /meɪl/ adjective 男性的;雄性的;男的
fur /fɜː(r)/ noun (动物浓厚的)软毛

(27) moon /muːn/
noun (plural moons)

The moon moves round the Earth once every twenty-eight days. You can often see the moon shining in the sky at night.

(28) monkey /ˈmʌŋki/
noun (plural monkeys)

A monkey is an animal that lives in the trees in hot countries. It swings and climbs using its hands, feet and long tail.

swing /swɪŋ/ verb 纵身跃向;荡向;悬吊到
climb /klaɪm/ verb 攀登;爬
tail /teɪl/ noun 尾;尾巴

(29) milk /mɪlk/

Milk is a white liquid that mothers and some female animals feed their babies with. People often drink cows’ milk.

liquid /ˈlɪkwɪd/ noun 液体
feed /fiːd/ verb 给(人或动物)食物;喂养;饲养

(30) nose /nəʊz/
noun (plural noses)

Your nose is the part of your face that you use for breathing and smelling.

breathing /ˈbriːðɪŋ/ noun 呼吸
smell /smel/ verb

(31) nail /neɪl/
noun (plural nails)

A nail is also a small piece of metal with a sharp point. Nails are used to join pieces of wood together.

sharp /ʃɑːp/ adjective 锋利的;锐利的;尖的
join /dʒɔɪn/ verb 连接;接合;联结

(32) net /net/
noun (plural nets)

A net is made of string or rope tied together with spaces in between. Nets are used in games like football and basketball. They are also used to catch fish and other animals.

rope /rəʊp/ noun 粗绳;线缆;绳索
tie /taɪ/ verb (用线、绳等)系,拴,绑,捆,束

(33) orange /ˈɒrɪndʒ/
noun (plural oranges)
An orange is a round and sweet fruit with a thick peel.

thick /θɪk/ adjective 厚的;粗的
peel /piːl/ noun (某些水果、蔬菜的)外皮;果皮

(34) octopus /ˈɒktəpəs/
noun (plural octopuses)

An octopus is a sea animal with eight long arms and a soft body.

(35) pear /peə(r)/
noun (plural pears)

A pear is a fruit that is narrow at the top and round at the bottom.

narrow /ˈnærəʊ/ adjective 狭窄的;窄小的
bottom /ˈbɒtəm/ noun 底部;最下部

(36) penguin /ˈpeŋɡwɪn/
noun (plural penguins)

A penguin is a black and white bird that usually lives in very cold places. Penguins cannot fly but they are good at swimming.

(37) purple /ˈpɜːpl/

Purple is the colour you get by mixing red and blue together.

mix /mɪks/ verb (使)混合,掺和,融合

(38) queen /kwiːn/
noun (plural queens)
A queen is a woman who rules a country.

(39) quilt /kwɪlt/ (OALD)
A large cloth bag that is filled with feathers or other soft material and that you have on top of you in bed to keep yourself warm.

cloth /klɒθ/ noun 织物;布料
material /məˈtɪəriəl/ noun 布料

(40) red /red/

Something that is red is the colour of blood.

blood /blʌd/ noun

(41) rabbit /ˈræbɪt/
noun (plural rabbits)
A rabbit is a small, furry animal with long ears. Rabbits live in holes in the ground.

ear /ɪə(r)/ noun 耳;耳朵

(42) rainbow /ˈreɪnbəʊ/
noun (plural rainbows)

A rainbow is the band of different colours that you can see in the sky when the sun shines through rain.

band /bænd/ noun 带;箍
shine /ʃaɪn/ verb 发光;反光;照耀

(43) sandwich /ˈsænwɪtʃ/
noun (plural sandwiches)

A sandwich is two slices of bread with another food between them.

slice /slaɪs/ noun (切下的食物)薄片,片

(44) sun /sʌn/

The sun gives the Earth heat and light. It is a star, and the Earth moves round it.

heat /hiːt/ nounstar /stɑː(r)/ noun 恒星;星

(45) tiger /ˈtaɪɡə(r)/
noun (plural tigers)

A tiger is a big, wild cat found in India and China. It has orange fur with black stripes.

India /ˈɪndiə/ noun 印度
China /ˈtʃaɪnə/ noun 中国

(46) teddy /ˈtedi beə(r)/
noun (plural teddies)
A teddy is a soft, furry toy bear.

(47) t-shirt /ˈtiː ʃɜːt/ (OALD)
An informal shirt with short sleeves and no collar or buttons, or just a few buttons at the top.

informal /ɪnˈfɔːml/ adjective 日常的;随便的
sleeve /sliːv/ noun 袖子
collar /ˈkɒlə(r)/ noun 衣领;领子
button /ˈbʌtn/ noun 纽扣;扣子

(48) umbrella /ʌmˈbrelə/
noun (plural umbrellas)
An umbrella is cloth stretched over a frame, which you hold over your head to keep off the rain.

stretch /stretʃ/ verb 拉长;拽宽;撑大;抻松
frame /freɪm/ noun (家具、建筑物、车辆等的)构架,支架,骨架
keep off Phrasal Verbs (雨、雪等)未下

(49) under /ˈʌndə(r)/

Under means below.

(50) volcano /vɒlˈkeɪnəʊ/
noun (plural volcanoes)

A volcano is a mountain that sometimes has hot, melted rock and smoke bursting out of it.

(51) violin /ˌvaɪəˈlɪn/ (OALD)
A musical instrument with strings, that you hold under your chin and play with a bow.

(52) watermelon /ˈwɔːtəmelən/ (OALD)
A type of large melon with hard, dark green skins, red flesh and black seeds.

(53) watch /wɒtʃ/
A watch is a small clock that you wear on your wrist.

(54) fox /fɒks/ (OALD)
A wild animal of the dog family,with reddish-brown fur, a pointed face and a thick heavy tail.

(55) box /bɒks/
noun (plural boxes)
A box has straight sides and is made to hold things. Most boxes are made from cardboard, wood or plastic.

(56) yellow /ˈjeləʊ/

Yellow is the colour of lemons and egg yolks.

(57) yo-yo /ˈjəʊ jəʊ/ (OALD)
noun (plural yo-yos, Yo Yos)
A toy that consists of two round pieces of plastic or wood joined together, with a piece of string wound between them. You put one end of the string around your finger and make the yo-yo go up and down.

(58) yawn /jɔːn/
verb yawns, yawning, yawned

When you yawn, you open your mouth wide and take in a lot of air. You yawn when you are tired or bored.

(59) zebra /ˈzebrə/
noun (plural zebras)
A zebra is an animal that looks like a horse with black and white stripes. Zebras live in Africa.

(60) zigzag /ˈzɪɡzæɡ/ (OALD)
A line or pattern that looks like a series of letter W’s as it bends to the left and then to the right again.

pattern /ˈpætn/ noun 图案;花样;式样
series /ˈsɪəriːz/ noun 一系列;连续;接连
bend /bend/ verb (使)倾斜,偏向