A Good Trick

Tips for Reading Together

This book has two stories: A Godd Trick (page 3) and Fun at the Beach (page 13).

For each story, look through the pictures so your child can see what the story is about.

Read the story to your child, placing your finger under each word as you read.

Read the story again and encourage your child to join in.

Give lots of praise as your child reads with you.

Do the fun activity with your child.

Children enjoy re-reading stories and this helps to build their confidence.

After you have read Fun at the Beach, find the butterfly in every picture.

This book includes these common words:

a Dad and Mum

For more hints and tips on helping your child become a successful and enthusiastic reader look at our website www.oxfordowl.co.uk.

A Good Trick

Kipper’s Rhymes

Tips for Reading Together

Children learn best when the are having fun.

  • Tell your child that they are going to help Kipper read some fun rhymes and play ‘I Spy’.
  • Ask your child to read the rhymes on the left hand page. Then ask them to find the objects in the scene on the right hand page.
  • Once the have done this, ask them to find other rhyming objects in the picture.
  • Don’t forget that if you talk about letter sounds, for example ‘b’, you shoud say buh, not bee. You can listen to the letter sounds on www.oxfordowl.co.uk.
  • Give lots of priase as your child reads with you and does the activities.
  • Play the game on page 22 to help Dad find his way home in the fog.
rhyme /raɪm/ noun 押韵的短诗
scene /siːn/ noun 景象;景色;风光
rhyme /raɪm/ verb (词或音节)押韵,和……同韵
praise /preɪz/ noun 赞扬;称赞;赞美
fog /fɒɡ/ noun

Find the robin hidden in every picture.

This book practises these letter sounds:

s a t p i n m d g o c k ck e u r h b f l j w ff ll ss

Read these rhyming words and find them in the picture.

A bug in a mug.
A jug on the rug.

What else can you find in the picture that rhymes with mug?

hug slug

Read these rhyming words and find them in the picture.

A wet pet!
A fan and a can.

What other things can you find in the picture that rhyme with pet and can?

jet net man pan

Read these rhyming words and find them in the picture.

Less mess, Biff!
Ted is on the bed.

What things can you find in the picture that rhyme with sock?

clock rock

Read these rhyming words and find them in the picture.

Hop to the top.
Bill is on the hill.

What else can you find in the picture that rhymes with top?

mop pop

Read these rhyming words and find them in the picture.

A dog on a log.
huff and puff!

What else can you find in the picture that rhymes with dog?

fog jog bog

Read these rhyming words and find them in the picture.

Jack and his backpack.
Mack in a sack.

What else can you find in the icture that rhymes with sack?


Read these rhyming Words and find them in the picture.

The hen is in a pen.
The egg is on a peg.

What else can you find in the picture that rhymes with pen and peg?

ten men leg

Read these rhyming words and find them in the picture.

A ticket in a pocket.
A rocket in a bucket.

What else can you find in the picture that rhymes with duck?


Read these rhyming words and find them in the picture.

Pat a cat.
A rat sat on a mat.

What else can you find in the picture that rhymes with cat?

hat bat

Maze haze

Help Dad get home in the fog.

Word List

(1) bug /bʌɡ/
[countable] (especially North American English) any small insect

(2) mug /mʌɡ/
noun (plural mugs)
A mug is a large cup that does not need a saucer.

(3) jug /dʒʌɡ/
noun (plural jugs)
A jug is used for holding and pouring liquids. It has a handle and a spout.

Biff’s Fun Phonics

LAST UPDATED: 04/10/2022

Phonics: Level 1 – Biff’s Fun Phonics

Tips for Reading Together

Children learn best when the are having fun.

  • Tell your child that they are going to help Biff read captions and look for things in the pictures.
  • Ask your child to read the captions and sentences on the left hand page. Then ask them to match them to the correct picture on the right hand page.
  • Dont’t forget that if you talk about letter sounds, for exapmle ‘b’, you shoud say buh, not bee. You can listen to the letter sounds on www.oxfordowl.co.uk.
  • Give lots of praise as your child reads with you and does the activities.
  • Play the game on page 22 to help the muddy pup get to the bath.

Find the spider hidden in every picture.

This book practise these letter sounds:
s a t p i n m d g o c ck e u r h b f l v ff ll ss

Read the two captions. Can you match each caption to its picture?

a cap on a peg
a cup and a mug

Read the two captions. Can you match each caption to its picture?

cod in a pan
carrots in a pot

Readd the sentences. Which one matches the picture?

Hit the bell.
Fill the pot.

Read the captions. Can you find the rat and the hat in the picture?

a rat as big as a cat
a red hat in a red bag

Read these captions. Can you match the captions to the pictures?

red on the rug
mess on the mat

Read the sentences. Can you find the rabbit and the pup in the picture?

The rabbit is in the hut.
The pup is in the mud.

Read the sentences. Which one matches the picture?

Get off the bus.
Get a hug and a kill.

Read the sentences. Which one matches the picture?

A nut on the bag.
Get on top of the rock.

Read the Sentences. Can you find the rabbit and the duck in the picture?

The rabbit is at the vet.
The duck is on top.

Muddy maze

Help the muddy pup get to the bath.

The Time Message

Time is tricky. It is difficult to control and easy to wast. When you look ahead, you think you have more time than you need. For example, at the beginning of a semester, you may feel that you have plenty of time on you hands. But toward the end of the term you may suddenly find that time is running out. You don’t have enough time to cover all your duties, so you get worried. What is the answer? Contrl!

Time is dnagerous. If you don’t control it, it will control you. If you don’t make it work for you, it will work against you. So you must become the master of time, not its servant. As a first-year college student, time manangement will be you number one problem.

Time is valuable. Wasting time is a bad habit. It is like a drug. The more time you waste, the easier it is to go on wasting time. If you seriously wish to get the moust out of colege, you must put the time message into practisce.

Message 1. Control time from the beginning.

Time is today, not tommorrow or next week. Start your plan at the beginning of the term.

Message 2. Get the notebook habit.

Go and buy a notebook today. Use it to plan your study time each day. Once a weekly study plan is prepared, follow the same pattern every week with small changes. Sunday is a good day to make the palan for the following week.

Message 3. Be realistic.

Often you know from experience how long it takes you to write a short essay, to study for a quiz, or to review for a final exam. When you plan time for these things, be realistic. Allow for unexpected things. Otherwise your entire plan may be upset.

Message 4. Plan at least one hour for each hour in class.

How much study time you plan for each classroom hour depends on four things: (1) your ability, (2) the difficulty of the class, (3) the grades you hope to achieve, and (4) how well you use your study time. One thing, howerver, is certain: you should plan at least one hour of study for eache classroom hour. In many cases, two or three hours will be required.

Message 5. Keep you plan flexible.

It is important that you re-plan your time on a weekly basis so that you can makecertain changes when necessary. For example, before mid-term or final exams, you will want to give more time to reviewing. A good plan must be a little flexible so that special projects can be done well.

Message 6. Study for some time each class day.

Some solid work each day is better than many study hours one day and nothing the next. When you work out your schedule, try to include at least two study hours each day. This will not only keep the study habit alive but also keep you up to date on your calass assignments.

Message 7. Free on Saturday —- study on Sunday.

It is good to stop all study activities for one full day. Many students choose Saturday for sports or social activities. Sunday, on the other hand, seeems to be the best study day for many students. It is a good day to catch up on back reading and other assignments.


LAST UPDATED: 17/12/2021

Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

coupon /ˈkuːpɒn/

​1. a small piece of printed paper that you can exchange for something or that gives you the right to buy something at a cheaper price than normal

money-off coupons
clothing coupons
an international reply coupon

Extra Examples
Cut out and return this coupon to claim your free holiday.
New members receive coupons for complimentary services.
She had saved enough coupons to get a free flight.
They are offering 50%-off coupons.
This coupon is valid until 31 January.

​2. a printed form, often cut out from a newspaper, that is used to enter a competition, order goods, etc.

Fill in and return the attached coupon.

Extra Examples
To enter the competition, fill in the entry coupon on page 6.
Contestants were invited to complete an entry coupon.

voucher /ˈvaʊtʃə(r)/

​a printed piece of paper or an electronic code that can be used instead of money to pay for something, or that allows you to pay less than the usual price of something

a voucher for a free meal
The company issues travel vouchers to all managers.
This discount voucher entitles you to 10% off your next purchase.

SEE ALSO luncheon voucher

Extra Examples
a 50p money-off voucher redeemable against any future purchase of the product
a voucher entitling you to a half-price meal
a voucher for children’s glasses
a voucher worth £100
households that receive housing vouchers to pay the rent
publicly financed vouchers for education
the use of tax dollars for school vouchers

Word List

exchange /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/
[countable, uncountable] an act of giving something to somebody or doing something for somebody and receiving something in return

normal /ˈnɔːml/
[uncountable] the usual or average state, level or standard

enter /ˈentə(r)/
[transitive, intransitive] to put your name on the list for an exam, a race, a competition, etc.; to do this for somebody

competition /ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn/
[countable] an event in which people compete with each other to find out who is the best at something

electronic /ɪˌlekˈtrɒnɪk/
[usually before noun]
(of a device) having or using many small parts, such as microchips, that control and direct a small electric current


辨析:… exchange for something … 中exchange一词是名词还是动词

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

exchange noun

giving/receiving something in return for something else

mutual, reciprocal, two-way
We get together once a month for a mutual exchange of ideas.

in exchange (for)
Wool and timber were sent to Egypt in exchange for linen or papyrus.
exchange between
There were exchanges of goods between the two regions.
exchange for
She considered free language lessons a fair exchange for a place to stay.

Practical English Usage

prepositions at the ends of clauses

A preposition often connects two things: (1) a noun, adjective or verb that comes before it, and (2) a prepositional object – a noun phrase or pronoun that comes after the preposition.

This is a present for you. 
He's looking at her.
I'm really angry with Joe.
They live in a small village.