
LAST UPDATED: 15/12/2021

Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

wedding /ˈwedɪŋ/

​a marriage ceremony, and the meal or party that usually follows it
I dreamed of having a big wedding, with all my family and friends.
I’m going to a wedding this weekend.
Have you been invited to their wedding?

television coverage of the royal wedding
at a wedding I met her at my brother’s wedding.
wedding to somebody Over 300 guests attended his wedding to his childhood sweetheart.
a wedding ceremony/reception

She looked beautiful on her wedding day.
a wedding present/gift
All her friends could hear wedding bells (= they thought she would soon get married).

SEE ALSO diamond wedding, golden wedding, shotgun wedding, silver wedding, white wedding

Word List

marriage /ˈmærɪdʒ/
​[countable] the ceremony in which two people marry each other
Wedding is more common in this meaning.

ceremony /ˈserəməni/
(plural ceremonies)
[countable] a public or religious occasion that includes a series of formal or traditional actions

meal /miːl/
[countable] an occasion when people eat food, especially breakfast, lunch or dinner

party /ˈpɑːti/
(plural parties)
[countable] (especially in compounds 尤用于构成复合词) a social occasion, often in a person’s home, at which people eat, drink, talk, dance and enjoy themselves

diamond wedding /ˌdaɪmənd ˈwedɪŋ/
(British English)
(North American English diamond anniversary)
(also diamond wedding anniversary North American English, British English)
​the 60th anniversary of a wedding
Grandma and Grandpa are celebrating their diamond wedding this year.

golden wedding /ˌɡəʊldən ˈwedɪŋ/
(US English golden anniversary)
(also golden wedding anniversary North American English, British English)
​the 50th anniversary of a wedding
The couple celebrated their golden wedding in January.

ruby wedding /ˌruːbi ˈwedɪŋ/
(British English)
(US English ruby anniversary)
(also ruby wedding anniversary US English, British English)
​the 40th anniversary of a wedding

silver wedding /ˌsɪlvə ˈwedɪŋ/
(British English)
(US English silver anniversary)
(also silver wedding anniversary US English, British English)
​the 25th anniversary of a wedding
They celebrated their silver wedding in May.

shotgun wedding /ˌʃɒtɡʌn ˈwedɪŋ/
(also shotgun marriage)
(old-fashioned, informal)
​a wedding that has to take place quickly because the woman is pregnant

white wedding /ˌwaɪt ˈwedɪŋ/
​a traditional wedding, especially in a church, at which the bride wears a white dress


LAST UPDATED: 18/12/2021

Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

collocation /ˌkɒləˈkeɪʃn/
(linguistics 语言学)

1. [countable] a combination of words in a language that happens very often and more frequently than would happen by chance
‘Resounding success’ and ‘crying shame’ are English collocations.
resouding success和crying shame是英语里的两个搭配词组。

2. [uncountable] the fact of two or more words often being used together, in a way that happens more frequently than would happen by chance
Advanced students need to be aware of the importance of collocation.

Word List

combination /ˌkɒmbɪˈneɪʃn/
[countable] two or more things joined or mixed together to form a single unit

frequently /ˈfriːkwəntli/

Buses run frequently between the city and the airport.
some of the most frequently asked questions about the internet
It was a word he used frequently.
Her father, a pilot, was frequently absent from home.

chance /tʃɑːns/
[uncountable] the way that some things happen without any cause that you can see or understand

fact /fækt/
[singular] used to refer to a particular situation that exists

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

What is the CEFR?


What is the CEFR?
什么是 CEFR?

CEFR stands for the ‘Common European Framework of Reference’ for languages, which is a description of the language abilities of students at different levels of learning. The CEFR can be used to compare standards in language learning and create teaching programmes.
CEFR 代表语言的“欧洲共同参考框架”,它描述了处于不同学习水平的学生的语言能力。 CEFR 可用于比较语言学习的标准并创建教学计划。

It grades language skills at six levels:

A1 and A2 indicate elementary and pre-intermediate levels of ability.
A1 和 A2 表示初级和中级前的能力水平。

B1and B2 indicate lower- and upper-intermediate levels.
B1 和 B2 表示中低水平和中高水平。

C1 indicates advanced level.
C1 表示高级。

C2 indicates complete proficiency in the language.
C2 表示完全熟练掌握该语言。

The CEFR grades language skills – what students can do in the language, for example ‘can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics’ (at B2). It does not grade specific grammar points or vocabulary items. However, we have aligned our core vocabulary lists, the Oxford 3000 and Oxford 5000, and the Oxford Phrase List, to the levels of the CEFR in order to guide learners of English on the most important words and phrases to learn at each level.
CEFR 对语言技能进行评分——学生可以用语言做什么,例如“可以理解复杂文本中具体和抽象主题的主要思想”(B2)。它不会对特定的语法点或词汇项目进行评分。然而,我们已将我们的核心词汇表、牛津 3000 和牛津 5000 以及牛津短语列表与 CEFR 的级别保持一致,以指导英语学习者在每个级别学习最重要的单词和短语。

The Oxford 3000 includes words from A1 to B2 level; the Oxford 5000 contains an additional 2000 words at B2 to C1 level. The Oxford Phrase List includes phrases from A1 to C1 level.
牛津 3000 包含从 A1 到 B2 级别的单词;牛津 5000 包含 B2 到 C1 级别的额外 2000 个单词。牛津短语列表包括从 A1 到 C1 级别的短语。

Milly and the Rainbow

LAST UPDATE: 3/11/2021

Stories for Children
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

Milly sat under the apple tree and watched the rain clouds sweep over the hills. What a wet day!

She ate an apple and waited for the rain to stop. Soon it did. The sky turned blue again, and the Sun shone, warm and golden.

Then she saw the rainbow. It began as an explosion of light, high in the clouds. The sky filled with dazzling colours: blue, orange, green and purple. Then both ends of the rainbow began to fall to Earth…

The rainbow landed in the garden.

‘Wow!’ Milly went closer and touched the rainbow. She felt nothing, just air. But the colours moved beneath her fingers.

When she looked up, the rainbow seemed to be stretching on and on into space.

‘What would happen if I stepped inside it?’ she wondered. There was only one way to find out…

She stepped inside.

It was beautiful! And very quiet. Milly couldn’t hear anything.

She looked up. The rainbow seemed to go on forever…

WHOOSH! Milly was sucked up by the rainbow. It was a tunnel of light. She whizzed along like a button up a vacuum cleaner. Wind whistled past her ears. She tumbled over and over but didn’t hurt herself: she was carried on a soft cushion of air. Up and up and up she went, so fast.

But rainbows go up… and rainbows come down. Soon she was falling down the far side of the rainbow. She could see green below. Green grass, rushing up to meet her, faster and faster…

BUMP! She landed hard, but nothing was broken.

Milly stood up. She was on the other side of the valley, standing on a steep green hill. She could see her house, far away. It was like a tiny white box with a rainbow in the garden. Everything was calm and peaceful and very lovely…

WHOOSH! Suddenly she was shooting back through the rainbow, faster than a firework. Red, blue, yellow … stripes of light, flashing by.

Up, up, up she went and down, down, down… BUMP. She landed back in her own garden.

‘Oww…!’ Milly groaned. ‘I am going to be so bruised tomorrow.’

Then she had a thought…

‘GOLD! There is always gold at the end of a rainbow!’

She dropped to her knees and started to dig. The earth flew out behind her, covering the grass with stones and soil.
‘Come on, come on! It must be here somewhere…’

She went deeper and deeper. Then she saw something shiny, under her fingertips. She pulled it out.


Milly stared at it, breathless with excitement. It was a golden coin, bigger than usual money and much heavier. She rubbed it clean. There were words written on it:

Make a wish before the rainbow fades.

‘Oh wow!’ she said. ‘This is amazing! A wish!’

Her head began to fill with ideas, everything she could wish for. But then she saw something. The rainbow was starting to fade. It was going thin at the edges.

‘No! I haven’t made up my mind! Please – wait!’

But the rainbow didn’t wait. It was fading. Going away, and taking her wish with it.

‘No! I’ll make my wish soon. Just a moment, please!’

But still the rainbow was fading. The golden coin was getting hot in her hand.

‘Ohh….! Choose… choose… Yes. YES! I have it!’

Milly closed her eyes and made her wish and VOOMF! The rainbow disappeared, and so did the golden coin.

Milly hardly dared to move. Had her wish come true?


She looked up. The sky was peacock blue. The Sun was golden, warm on her face. Such a beautiful day. Such a beautiful world.

‘Even if the wish doesn’t come true, I am a very lucky girl,’ she said. And she smiled.

Word List

sat /sæt/


LAST UPDATED: 22/12/2021

Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

specification /ˌspesɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/
[countable, uncountable]

​a detailed description of how something is, or should be, designed or made

the technical specifications of the new model (= of car)
The house has been built exactly to our specifications.
The office was furnished to a high specification.

Extra Examples
The aircraft have to meet the strict specifications laid down by the FAA.
The manager has drafted job specifications for each of the positions.

The prototype has the same basic specifications.
The yachts are built to the highest specifications.

Word List

detailed /ˈdiːteɪld/
giving many details and a lot of information; paying great attention to details

description /dɪˈskrɪpʃn/
[countable, uncountable]
a piece of writing or speech that says what somebody/something is like; the act of writing or saying in words what somebody/something is like

Floppy’s Fun Phonics

Tips for Reading Together

Children learn best when the are haveing fun.

  • Tell your child they are going to play a different game of ‘I spy’.
  • On each page, read the instruction aloud, then ask your child to read the captions and sentences on the left hand pages and try to match them to the pictures on the right.
  • Encourage your child to sound out the letters and say the words (e.g. l-i-d, lid)
  • Your child will have to read carefully because there are some tricky pages!
  • Do the odd one out puzzle on each page, and the spot the defference activity on page 22.

Find the odd one out on everey left hand page.

This book practises these letter sounds:

s a t p i n m d g o c ck e u r h b f ff ll

Read the sentence on this card. Which picture matches the card?

Dad is sad.

Read the captions on these cards. Which card matches the picture?

rats on a sack
cats on a sock

Read the captions on these cards. Which card matches the picture?

a hen and a bug
a hat on a dog

Read the sentences on these cards. Which card matches the picture?

Run in the sun.
Sit in the sun.

Read the sentences on these cards. Which card matches the picture?

A dog can sit.
A dog can run.

Read the sentences on these cards. Can you match each card to its picture?

A dog is a pet.
The dog is wet.

Read the sentences on these cards. Can you match each card to its picture?

Run and hop.
Run to the top.

Read the sentences on these cards. Can you match each card to its picture?

Biff is on a mug.
It is a big red bug.

Read the sentences on these cards. Can you match each card to its picture?

Biff is in a sack.
A doll is in a backpack.

Spot the difference

Find the five differences in the two pictures of Floppy.

Word of the Day 12/10/21

LAST UPDATED: 22/11/2021

Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries Word of the Day
12 October 2021

relatively /ˈrelətɪvli/

to a fairly large degree, especially in comparison to something else
relatively large/small/high/low
Lack of exercise is also a risk factor for heart disease but it’s relatively small when compared with the others.
I found the test relatively easy.
These students had a relatively simple task.
We had relatively few applications for the job.

I have relatively little to do this afternoon.
It all happened in a relatively short period of time.
At the time, the internet was a relatively new phenomenon.
He was charged with a relatively minor offence.
In the early 1960s divorce was still relatively rare.

Extra Examples
Relatively few were smokers.
The area used to be fairly safe. It still is, relatively.
The data can be gathered relatively easily.

relatively speaking
​used when you are comparing something with all similar things
Relatively speaking, these jobs provide good salaries.
The colleges had become, relatively speaking, short of funds.

Word of the Day 11/10/21

LAST UPDATED: 29/10/2021

Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries Word of the Day
11 October 2021

partially /ˈpɑːʃəli/

​partly; not completely

The road was partially blocked by a fallen tree.
a society for the blind and partially sighted (= people who can see very little).
It’s only partially true.

Word of the Day 10/10/21

LAST UPDATED: 29/12/2021

Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries Word of the Day
10 October 2021

balloon /bəˈluːn/

1. a small bag made of very thin rubber that becomes larger and rounder when you fill it with air or gas. Balloons are brightly coloured and used as decorations or toys.
to blow up/burst/pop a balloon
My balloon has burst!
A thousand balloons were released to mark the event.
They tied the balloons to the back of the car.
helium balloons for the children’s party

2. (also hot-air balloon)
a large balloon made of strong material that is filled with hot air or gas to make it rise in the air, usually carrying a basket for passengers
We went up in a balloon.
She crossed the Atlantic in a hot-air balloon.


go down like a lead balloon
​(informal) to be very unsuccessful; to not be accepted by people
My suggestion went down like a lead balloon.

when the balloon goes up
​(British English, informal) when the trouble that you are expecting begins
We have to get out of here before the balloon goes up!

Word List

rubber /ˈrʌbə(r)/
[uncountable] a strong substance that can be stretched and does not allow liquids to pass through it, used for making tyres, boots, etc. It is made from the liquid (= sap) inside a tropical plant or is produced using chemicals.

brightly /ˈbraɪtli/
with colours that are strong and easy to see

decoration /ˌdekəˈreɪʃn/
[countable, usually plural] a thing that makes something look more attractive on special occasions

strong /strɒŋ/
(comparative stronger /ˈstrɒŋɡə(r)/, superlative strongest /ˈstrɒŋɡɪst/)
(of objects) not easily broken or damaged; made well

material /məˈtɪəriəl/
[countable, uncountable] a substance that things can be made from

rise /raɪz/
[intransitive] to come or go upwards; to reach a higher level or position

passenger /ˈpæsɪndʒə(r)/
a person who is travelling in a car, bus, train, plane or ship and who is not driving it or working on it

Word of the Day 9/10/21

LAST UPDATED: 30/12/2021

Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries Word of the Day
9 October 2021

cupboard /ˈkʌbəd/

1. a piece of furniture with doors and shelves used for storing dishes, food, clothes, etc.
kitchen cupboards
a stationery/linen cupboard
a cupboard door
There’s plenty of food in the cupboards.
I found it hidden in the back of a cupboard.

Extra Examples
Do you have much cupboard space in your new house?
The cupboard was full of old spices.
We had some new cupboard units fitted in the kitchen.
She opened the cupboard door above the sink.

2. (British English)
(North American English closet)
a space in a wall with a door that reaches the ground, used for storing things
The kitchen has built-in cupboards and shelves.
The tool kit is in the cupboard under the stairs.
a store cupboard

SEE ALSO airing cupboard, broom cupboard


the cupboard is bare
(British English) used to say that there is no money for something
They are seeking more funds but the cupboard is bare.

cupboard love
(British English, old-fashioned) love that somebody, especially a child, shows towards somebody else in order to get something

a skeleton in the cupboard
(British English)(also a skeleton in the closet North American English, British English)
​(informal) something shocking, embarrassing, etc. that has happened to you or your family in the past that you want to keep secret

Word List

furniture /ˈfɜːnɪtʃə(r)/
objects that can be moved, such as tables, chairs and beds, that are put into a house or an office to make it suitable for living or working in

shelf /ʃelf/
(plural shelves /ʃelvz/)
a flat board, made of wood, metal, glass, etc., fixed to the wall or forming part of a cupboard, bookcase, etc., for things to be placed on

dish /dɪʃ/
[countable] a flat shallow container for cooking food in or serving it from