What is the CEFR?


What is the CEFR?
什么是 CEFR?

CEFR stands for the ‘Common European Framework of Reference’ for languages, which is a description of the language abilities of students at different levels of learning. The CEFR can be used to compare standards in language learning and create teaching programmes.
CEFR 代表语言的“欧洲共同参考框架”,它描述了处于不同学习水平的学生的语言能力。 CEFR 可用于比较语言学习的标准并创建教学计划。

It grades language skills at six levels:

A1 and A2 indicate elementary and pre-intermediate levels of ability.
A1 和 A2 表示初级和中级前的能力水平。

B1and B2 indicate lower- and upper-intermediate levels.
B1 和 B2 表示中低水平和中高水平。

C1 indicates advanced level.
C1 表示高级。

C2 indicates complete proficiency in the language.
C2 表示完全熟练掌握该语言。

The CEFR grades language skills – what students can do in the language, for example ‘can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics’ (at B2). It does not grade specific grammar points or vocabulary items. However, we have aligned our core vocabulary lists, the Oxford 3000 and Oxford 5000, and the Oxford Phrase List, to the levels of the CEFR in order to guide learners of English on the most important words and phrases to learn at each level.
CEFR 对语言技能进行评分——学生可以用语言做什么,例如“可以理解复杂文本中具体和抽象主题的主要思想”(B2)。它不会对特定的语法点或词汇项目进行评分。然而,我们已将我们的核心词汇表、牛津 3000 和牛津 5000 以及牛津短语列表与 CEFR 的级别保持一致,以指导英语学习者在每个级别学习最重要的单词和短语。

The Oxford 3000 includes words from A1 to B2 level; the Oxford 5000 contains an additional 2000 words at B2 to C1 level. The Oxford Phrase List includes phrases from A1 to C1 level.
牛津 3000 包含从 A1 到 B2 级别的单词;牛津 5000 包含 B2 到 C1 级别的额外 2000 个单词。牛津短语列表包括从 A1 到 C1 级别的短语。