Helping Your Child to Read

LAST UPDATED: 27-10-2021

Read with Biff, Chip & Kipper


  • What is Read with Biff, Chip and Kipper?
    This fun, innovative series is designed for young, beginner readers.
    The books feature the familiar and much-loved characters: Biff, Chip, Kipper and Floppy the dog from the Oxford Reading Tree, which is used in 80% of primary schools. Read with Biff, Chip and kipper is based on the Oxford Reading Tree and reflects how reading is taught at school.
    这些书以熟悉和深受喜爱的角色为特色:来自牛津阅读树的Biff、Chip、Kipper 和小狗 Floppy,百分之八十的小学都在使用它。 《与Biff、 Chip和Kipper一起阅读》基于牛津阅读树,同时也反映了学校如何教授阅读。
  • How can I help my child learn to read?
    Read with Biff, Chip and Kipper is the perfect starting point! Each story has been specially written to support your child’s reading at home. The stories are full of humour and fun which will keep your child motivated to read whilst developing their confidence and reading skills.
    与 Biff、Chip 和 Kipper 一起阅读是完美的起点! 每个故事都是专门编写的,以支持您的孩子在家阅读。 这些故事充满幽默和乐趣,可以让您的孩子有动力阅读,同时培养他们的信心和阅读技巧。
  • How can I ensure my child progresses?
    There are tow strands within the series: Phonics books enable children to practise their letters and sounds just as they do at school; First stories introduce young readers to common words and everyday language.
    There are six graded levels within each strand providing gradual progression and vocabulary repetition throughout the series. Your child will become a more confident and enthusiastic reader as they progress through the levels.
    该系列由两部分组成:Phonics书籍让孩子们可以像在学校一样练习字母和发音; First Stories向年轻读者介绍了常用词语和日常语言。
    每部分又有六个分级级别,在整个系列中提供渐进式进度和词汇重复。 随着您的孩子在各个级别的进步,他们将成为一个更加自信和热情的读者。
  • Hints and tips
    Every book includes practical tips and stimulating ideas for you to use with your child when reading and discussing the story. They also contain fun activities which help to develop your child’s reading skills.
    每本书都包含实用的技巧和启发性的想法,供您在阅读和讨论故事时与孩子一起使用。 它们还包含有助于培养孩子阅读技巧的有趣活动。

How does your child learn to read at school?

Schools use a range of methods to teach children to read. The main one currently used is called ‘synthetic phonics’.
学校使用一系列方法来教孩子们阅读。 目前使用的主要一种称为“合成语音”。

In nursery and the early months of school, there is emphasis on listening to stories and the sounds of the language, including rhyme and rhythm, building up to a focus on synthetic phonics (letter-sound relationships). Children are taught that the letter ‘s’ make a sss sound, as in sun; that we say ‘a’ as in apple and ‘t’ as in tap. Children can then start to read simple words by blending the sounds together to make a word, e.g. s-a-t, sat.
在幼儿园和上学的前几个月,重点是听故事和语言的声音,包括韵律和节奏,重点是合成语音(字母-声音关系)。 孩子们被教导字母“s”发出 sss 音,就像在 sun 中一样; 我们在 apple 中说“a”,在 tap 中说“t”。 然后,孩子们可以通过将声音混合在一起组成一个单词来开始阅读简单的单词,例如 s-a-t,sat。

After they have learned the more straightforward letter-sound relationships, they are taught the more complex ones, e.g. that the ‘igh’ sound as in high can also be written as tried, cry, and nine.
在他们学习了更直接的“字母-声音”关系之后,他们将学习更复杂的关系,例如 ‘igh’ 音如 high 也可以写成 try、cry 和 nine。

Sounds are not taught in alphabetical order, instead they are taught in the order best suited to begin blending sounds fo reading.

You can listen to the sounds on Note that some sounds a prononunced differently according to regional accent so consult your child’s teacher for advice if you are unsure.
您可以在 上收听声音。 请注意,根据地区口音,有些发音会有所不同,因此如果您不确定,请咨询您孩子的老师以获得建议。

Tricky words
Because English is not phonically regular, some common, everyday words like the, no and said cannot be read by sounding out. These are sometimes called ‘tricky’ words.
由于英语在语音上不规则,一些常见的日常用语如 the、no 和 said无法通过发音来阅读。 这些有时被称为“棘手”的词语。
Read these words out to your child and they will soon learn to recognise them by sight. The read with Biff, Chip and Kipper Flashcard Word Games are a fun and effective way to lean and practise tricky words.
将这些单词读给您的孩子听,他们很快就会学会通过视觉识别它们。 “与Biff、Chip 和 Kipper一起阅读识字卡词语游戏”是学习和练习棘手单词的有趣且有效的方式。

Oxford Owl

Oxford Owl is a free website designed for busy parents who need information and ideas, quickly and easily.
Oxford Owl 是一个免费网站,专为忙碌的父母而设计,他们需要快速轻松地获取信息和主意。

It contains:

  • Practical tips and advice on how to help children lean to read.
  • Ideas and activities to help make reading fun.
  • A helping hand with phonics, which inclues audio and video.
  • Answers to frequently asked questions, and a ‘jargon buster’ to help you understand the latest buzz words.
  • ‘Character actvity zones’ for children, including fun and games with Biff, Chip and Kipper.
    适合儿童的“角色活动区”,包括与 Biff、Chip 和 Kipper 有关的趣味游戏。
  • Free interactive eBooks and help in selecting print books to purchase, including Read with Biff, Chip and Kipper.
    免费的互动电子书和帮助选择要购买的印刷书籍,包括“与 Biff、Chip 和 Kipper 一起阅读”。

Choosing the right books  for your child

The Read with Biff, Chip and Kipper chart on page 5 provides rough age guidance and Oxford Reading Tree levels for each book. However, every child develops at heir own pace. These level descriptions provide more detail to help you decide which level to start with your child. If you are in any doubt ask your child’s teacher for guidance.
第 5 页上的“与 Biff、Chip 和 Kipper 一起阅读”的图表提供了每本书的粗略年龄指导和牛津阅读树级别。 然而,每个孩子都按照自己的节奏发展。 这些级别描述提供了更多详细信息,可帮助您决定您的孩子从哪个级别开始。 如果您有任何疑问,请向您孩子的老师寻求指导。

Level 1: Getting ready to read(4-5-year olds)
级别 1:准备阅读(4-5 岁)
is for children who enjoy sharing and talking about books and can:

  • listen to a story and retell bits of it
  • recognise their own name
  • recognise some letter sounds(e.g. some of the sounds in their name)
  • pick out patterns and details in pictures
  • join in with language play(e.g. songs and nursery rhymes, games like ‘I spy’ etc)
  • match some words(e.g. match Mum from a set of cars to the word Mum is a sentence)
    配对一些单词(例如,将 Mum from a set of cars 匹配到单词 Mum is a sentence)
  • sustain concentration for 5-10 minutes.

Level 2: Starting to read (4-5-year olds)
Is for chidren who can:

  • read short sentences with simple two and three letter words (e.g. Mum has a big red bag.)
  • retell a simple story
  • recognise 5-10 common tricky words by sight (e.g the, and)
    通过视觉识别 5-10 个常见的棘手单词(例如,the,and)
  • write their name and a few other common words
  • build sentences using familiar words.

Level 3: Becoming a reader (4-5-year olds)
第 3 级:成为一名读者(4-5 岁)
Is for children who can:

  • Read words and sentences containing less common letters, as well as sh, ch, th (e.g. The fox got his fish in the chip shop.)
    阅读包含不常见字母的单词和句子,以及 sh、ch、th(例如,The fox got his fish in the chip shop。)
  • Recognise 10-20 common tricky words by sight (e.g. was, you, they)
    通过视觉识别 10-20 个常见的棘手单词(例如, was, you, they)
  • Recognise all the letter sounds at the beginning and end of words
  • Use some expression when they re-read books.

Level 4: Developing as a reader (5-6-year olds)
第 4 级:发展成为阅读者(5-6 岁)
Is for children who can:

  • Read some long vowels (e.g. feet, moon) and adjacent consonants (e.g. crash, star)
  • Read harder sentences, with less support
  • Recognise 20-30 common tricky words by sight (e.g. what, there, some)
    通过视觉识别 20-30 个常见的棘手单词(例如,what,there,some)
  • Read words with more syllables and recognise more words in sentences.

Level 5: Building confidence in reading (5-6-year olds)
第 5 级:建立阅读信心(5-6 岁)
is for children who can:

  • Recognise 30-50 common words by sight
  • Read harder sentences, with less support, and recognise more words in sentences
  • Read various spellings of long vowels (e.g. tried, night, cry and nine)
    阅读长元音的各种拼写(例如,try、night、cry 和九)
  • Recognise all common spelling patterns and know that many of them can be pronounced in more than one way
  • Talk about the characters and plot
  • Begin to read silently

Level 6: Reading with confidence (5-6-year olds)
第 6 级:自信地阅读(5-6 岁)
Is for children who:

  • Confidently comment on characters, story and plot
  • Express opinions about what they read
  • Confidently read different spelling for one sound (e.g. hair, bear)
    自信地读出一种声音的不同拼写(例如 hair、bear)
  • Can read words with common endings (e.g turning, turned) and beginnings (e.g return)
  • Can read silently
  • Like to attempt longer books.

About this Biff, Chip and Kipper collection

This Read with Biff, Chip and Kipper collection has been specially created for young, beginner readers to enjoy. The stories gradually progress in difficulty to help build your child’s confidence and to practise the key reading skills they will be learning at school.
这本与 Biff、Chip 和 Kipper 一起阅读的合集是专门为年轻的初学者读者创作的。 故事的难度逐渐增加,以帮助您的孩子建立信心并练习他们将在学校学习的关键阅读技巧。
Your can find activities, information and advice for each of these three levels on pages 11-20 of this hand book.
您可以在本手册的第 11-20 页找到这三个级别的活动、信息和建议。

The collection contains this hand book and 32 storybooks at Levels 1-3:

Level 1 Getting ready to read (4-5 year olds)

Preparing your child for reading

Sharing books and taling about the pictures with your baby and toddler will increase their language skills and develop their understanding of the world. Even at this early stage, your child will be learning how books work – that they have a front and a back and pages that turn to tell a story. They may like to hlod the book and try to turn the pages themselves.
与您的宝宝和蹒跚学步的孩子分享书籍和讲述这些图片将提高他们的语言技能并发展他们对世界的理解。 即使在这个早期阶段,您的孩子也将学习书籍的工作原理——它们有正面和背面以及可以转动来讲述故事的书页。 他们可能喜欢拿着书并尝试自己翻页。

Point to each word on the page as you read to help your child understand how print works – that the marks on the page carry meaning to tell the story. Once they can sustain concentration for five to ten minutes you will be able to help them get ready to start learning to read.
阅读时指向页面上的每个单词,以帮助您的孩子了解印刷品的工作原理——页面上的标记具有讲述故事的意义。 一旦他们能够集中注意力五到十分钟,您就可以帮助他们准备好开始学习阅读。

Children need to develop a range of skills, focusing on both the meaning of sentences and shape of a story, and on individual words and phonics.

You can help them by:

  • Talking about stories and using story language
  • Helping them develop a knowledge of phonics
  • Helping them to recognise common words by sight.

In Pre-school and reception, the emphasis is on listeing to stories and the sounds of language, including rhyme and rhythm, before introducing phonics.

You can help your child with phonics by playing language games with them: teach them songs and nursery rhymes; invent silly rhymes for them to join in; clap the rhythms of words; help them to think of ‘another word that begins with the same sound as…’.
您可以通过与孩子玩语言游戏来帮助他们学习语音:教他们歌曲和童谣; 为他们编造愚蠢的押韵; 拍打单词的节奏; 帮助他们想出“另一个以与……相同的声音开头的词”。

Practical tips

Try to make time to read to and with your child every day. Choose a time when they are not too tired and you are too busy. Turn off any distractions such as TV, radio and mobile phone.
尽量每天抽出时间给您的孩子阅读并与您的孩子一起阅读。 选择一个他们不太累而你不太忙的时间。 关掉任何让你分心的事物,例如电视、收音机和手机。

  • Before you read a story with your child:
    – talk about the title and the pictrures on the cover, and look through the book together
    – 说说书名和封面图片,一起看书
    – discuss what you tink the story might be about
    – 讨论你认为这个故事可能是关于什么的
    – check that your child knows where to start reading and the direction of print across the page.
    – 检查您的孩子是否知道从哪里开始阅读以及整个页面的打印方向。
  • Read the story to your child, pointing to the words as you read.
  • Re-read the story with your child, encouraging them to join in with repeated patterns.
  • Give them lots of praise as they read with you.

Phonic activities

When you have read the story, you can start to draw attention to the words and letters.

Point out the starting sound of a word and then ask them to find another word beginning with the same letter or perhaps to think of a rhyming word.

Ask them to find two words that are the same.

Story activities

When you have finished reading, ask questions like:

  • What was your favourite bit?
  • Why do you think the pancake si stossed?
  • Have you ever had a pancake?

Level 1: Phonics
级别 1:语音

kipper’s Alphabet I Spy is a fun introduction to each letter of the alphabet and the sound it represents. Chip’s Letter Sounds reinforces and practises letter sounds. Biff’s Wonder Words introduces simple three letter words such as sat and mud. Floppy’s Fun Phonics and Biff’s Fun Phonics practise reading simple captions and sentences. Kipper’s Rhymes introduces simple rhymes.
kipper 的 Alphabet I Spy 是对字母表中每个字母及其代表的声音的有趣介绍。 Chip’s Letter Sounds 加强和练习字母发音。 Biff 的 Wonder Words 引入了简单的三个字母的单词,例如 sat 和mud。 Floppy 的 Fun Phonics 和 Biff 的 Fun Phonics 练习阅读简单的标题和句子。 Kipper’s Rhymes 介绍了简单的韵律。

Developing phonic skills

  • Encourage your child to recognise letters and rhymes.
  • Sing the alphabet song while pointing to the printed letters.
  • Recite rhymes the know, like One, two, three, four, five, Once I caught a fish …, and get them to supply the missing rhyming word.
  • Use modelling clay or playdough to make letter shapes.
  • Demonstrate blending by saying the sounds c-a-t to read cat.
    通过说出 c-a-t 来读 cat 来演示混合。
  • Use magnetic letters on the fridge and sponge letters in the bath to spell your child’s name, and other simple words.
  • Find picture in magazines to make sets of ‘Words which begin with …’ and make an alphabet scrapbook.

Level 1: First Stories
第 1 级:第一个故事

The Level 1 First Stories are short, amusing stories featuring Biff, Chip, Kipper and Floppy from the Oxford Reading Tree. They use simple words and are designed to help build children’s confidence at this early stage.
第 1 级故事是简短而有趣的故事,其中包括来自牛津阅读树的 Biff、Chip、Kipper 和 Floppy。它们使用简单的词语,旨在帮助孩子在这个早期阶段建立信心。

Look Through the picture for each story first, so your child can see what the book is about. Next, read the story to your child, placing your finger under each word as you read. Then read the story again and encourage your child to join in. Re-read the story as many times as your child wants -this helps to build their confidence. Talk about the story together when you have finished.

Developing reading skills

  • Draw attention to special book language, such as Once upon a time …
  • Encourage your child to retell favourite stories to a friend or grandparent.
  • Use the pictures as well as the words to help them understand the whole story.
  • Take your child to the library and encourage the to maek choices about the books they want to read.
  • Enjoy teaching them nursery rhymes and action songs.
  • Play I Spy on car journeys or listen to audio CDs.
    在汽车旅行中播放 I Spy 或听音频 CD。
  • Read as many books as you can, including re-tellings of traditional tales and fairy stories, alphabet books and even catalogues!

Level 2 Staring to read (4-5 year olds)

At this stage your child will be starting to read at school and will probably be bringing books home to practise their skills. But don’t stop reading to your child, it is this experience that draws them into reading for enjoyment.
在这个阶段,您的孩子将开始在学校阅读,并且可能会带书回家练习他们的技能。 但是不要停止给您的孩子阅读,正是这种体验吸引他们阅读以享受乐趣。

Practical tips

Keep reading lots of different books to your child, and keep bedtime reading special. Most picture books will be too hard for them to read, and it’s good for them just to listen to a story and look at the pictures with you.
Before reading a book together, always talk about the title, the blurb, and the pictures on the cover. Ask your child what they think the book might be about. As you read, point to the words. Let them join in if they want to.
Read with expression when reading aloud and try different voices for different characters. Get your child to join in with refrains like They huffed and they puffed!
Talk about the stories when you’ve finished reading together. Ask questions like: What did you like best? What colours did the snowman wear?
Always read a book aloud before you ask your child to read it to you. This gives them the chance to understand the story, and to hear the words and language patterns. Remember, you are not testing your child, knowing what the book is about will hep boost their confidence.

Level 2: Phonics
级别 2:语音
Reading the books together
Each book contains two stories which introduce new letter paterns and help children to practise them.
Before you start reading, tak about the title and the picture on the cover.
Ask: What do you think the story is about?
Look at the focus letter patterns practised in each book. These are listed on the inside front cover.
查看每本书中练习的焦点字母模式。 这些都列在封面内侧。
On pages 4 and 15, the focus letter patterns are shown in bold. Say the sounds in each word, then say the word (e.g. T-e-ss, Tess).
在第 4 页和第 15 页上,焦点字母图案以粗体显示。 说出每个单词的发音,然后说出单词(例如 T-e-ss、Tess)。
Read each story then go back and find the words with those letter patterns. Give your child lots of praise as they read!
阅读每个故事,然后返回并找到带有这些字母模式的单词。 在孩子阅读时给他们很多赞美!

Practising phonic skills
Find sets of words which begin or end with the same sound.
Say a short word. Can your child tell you the sounds in the word? (e.g. sat, s-a-t). Or say the sounds. Can your child tell you the word? (e.g. f-i-sh, fish)
After you have read a book, play word and letter-spotting games like these: Can you find the word ‘and’ on this page? How many words an you find on this page that begin with ‘t’?
The letter patterns practised in Level 2
‘o’ as in dog and ‘a’ as in cat
‘I’ as in tin, and ‘u’ as in tub
‘e’ as in hen, ‘o’ as in pot, ‘s’ as in mess
‘z’ as in buzz and zap, ‘f’ as in off, and fizz, and ‘j’ as in jam
说一个简短的词。 您的孩子会告诉您单词中的发音吗? (例如坐,s-a-t)。 或者说声音。 你的孩子会告诉你这个词吗? (例如 f-i-sh、鱼)
读完一本书后,可以玩这样的认字游戏:你能在这个页面上找到“and”这个词吗? 您在此页面上找到了多少个以“t”开头的单词?
在第 2 级练习的字母模式
‘z’ 表示 buzz 和 zap,’f’ 表示关闭和 fizz,’j’ 表示果酱

Level 2: First Stories
These simple stories help children to practise reading common words and everyday language.
Before you stat reading, talk about the title and the picture on the cover.
Look through the pictures together so your child can see what the story is about.
Read the story to your child, placing your finger under each word as you read.
Read the story again and encourage your child to join in. Give lots of praise as your child reads with you.
Have fun finding the objects or creatures hidden in the pictures.
Discuss the talk About ideas at the end of each story.
级别 2:第一个故事

Practising rading skills
Read favourite stories again and again. Children enjoy this and it helps to build their confidence.
Play alliterative games, like ‘Annie got an apple, Ben got a bike’, or rhyming games.
If your child gets stuck on a word, check first if it can be ‘sounded out’. If not, try re-reading the sentence without saying the difficult word. The meaning of the rest of the sentence can often help. If they still can’t work work out the word, just say it quickly for them and move on.
Useful common words repeated in Level 2
got he she was had it no go on Dad said an ran
一遍又一遍地阅读最喜欢的故事。 孩子们喜欢这个,这有助于建立他们的信心。
如果您的孩子被某个单词卡住了,请先检查它是否可以“发音”。 如果没有,请尝试重新阅读句子而不说难的单词。 句子其余部分的含义通常会有所帮助。 如果他们仍然无法解决这个词,只需为他们快速说出来并继续前进。
级别 2 中重复的有用常用词
知道了,她没有继续下去 爸爸说跑了